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10 amazing tips for memorizing scripture:

1. Select verses for memorizing that are particularly meaningful to you or that are related to the topic you are studying.

2. Write the verse and reference on a card.

3. Seek understanding by reading the verse in context (the verses before and after it, like a paragraph or even a chapter).

4. Study it. Is it a command to obey or a sin to avoid? Does it teach you something about God? Is it a principle that should guide your actions and decisions? Is it a prayer to pray or a call to worship? What should be different in your life because of this truth?

5. Think about what the verses mean to you. How would you apply the verse to your life?

6. Read the verse aloud several times.

7. Learn to quote the verse one phrase at a time, beginning word by word.

8. Recite the verse to another person. Invite him/her to check your memory or explain what God is teaching you through the verse.

9. Regularly review the memorized verse.

10. Pray. Ask God how he wants to apply the verse in your life.

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