author's note

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The characters Saleena, Layla and Asiya have been simmering in my mind for a while but it was only when I was writing the end of Greyscale that I realised I really wanted to continue writing Becky and Mohammad's story. And so, Deen Queens was born :')

Ideally you would have read SS&S and Greyscale before reading this but it isn't necessary. Chapter two might seem a bit out of place if you read Deen Queens as a stand alone but please continue and I promise nothing else links to my previous books.

As I've said before, I am currently trying to write a story from every genre on Wattpad in a personal attempt to challenge my own writing abilities; Deen Queens is my Spiritual story. However, I want to make it clear that although my characters are Muslim, this is not a story solely for Muslims. In fact, I'm sure there will be plenty of Muslims who won't approve of my girls and the choices they make (cue the haram police). Just as you don't have to be a teenaged white male on the brink of suicide to read my first story Suicide, Skittles and Skates, you do not have to be religious in any way to read this one.

There will be phrases in various languages dotted here and there. And because I'm nice, I'll put the translation as an inline comment for you. Please note that I don't speak a single language other than English so if you speak Arabic, Spanish, Urdu, Russian or Malay please correct me! Google Translate sucks.

This is a story that addresses serious topics and whilst I like to believe all my stories are pretty deep lol, I really am trying to make this as meaningful as possible. Rated PG13 as always, due to swearing, some violence and sexual references. 

Story begun on: 25th June 2016 – Completed on: TBC

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