Same Sky~ prolouge

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Hunger. The only thought I could think. Food, any food. 'Where was my mother?' I thought. It had been three days since she had been home. I hadn't eaten in two days. School flickered into my mind. It wasn't really a worry to me that I had been absent for roughly two weeks. I barley ever went to school, because mommy was barely ever around to take me. I dreaded having to repeat second grade, like my teacher had mentioned to my mother on multiple occasions. When sissy lived with us, I always went to school and I was never hungry. On her sixteenth birthday last year, she left us. She went to live with her daddy, who drove a shiny car and, so mommy said, had lots of money. Sissy had wanted me to go with her, but the court said I wasn't allowed.

She used to visit, but her and mommy always fought. They screamed and yelled and often times mother broke things. Awhile ago, Kristy stopped visiting. I decided to search the cupboards again. My efforts were useless. The only contents were a cheap bottle of wine, and three paper plates. I considered calling Kristy, like she had always told me to do in times like these. Before she had left, she had hammered her phone number into my brain, reciting the seven digits constantly until I knew like I knew how to spell my name.

Just as I stood up to go in the direction of the land-line, the front door swung open with a bang. Out of terror, I froze in place. I had no idea what could be in my home. Instead of the terrifying monster I had expected, my mother rounded the corner. "Mommy!" I exclaimed. I raced over to her and gripped her leg tightly. She giggled at me and, with out a word, went to her bedroom. She looked similar to every time she returned home like this. Her long, dark hair was always ratty and had streaks of bright colors, this time fuchsia, running through it. She had tight black clothes hugging her body and tremendously tall high heels on her feet. The biggest changes though, were in her eyes and attitude. Right before disappearing, mother was always increasingly cranky. She was always shaky and almost impatient. When she got home,mother was always giggly and childlike, more like me than an adult. Most tremendously though were her eyes. They were glossy and bright and strangely translucent like.

Suddenly the front door opened again. A young man stepped into my view. He had spiky, unnatural blue hair. His jet black shirt was extremely tight. Most apparent though was a bright red tattoo of a dragon wrapped around his neck. He looked to be about Kristy's age.

"Come on Sharon! They'll be here any minute!" he called out to my mother impatiently. Mom emerged from her bedroom with a large suitcase in her hand.

"Come on Amaria. We're leaving baby" she said walking towards the door.

"What? No. I never agreed to this. The kid stays here!" he screamed. You could hear conflict in mothers voice. "She'll just slow us down! They'll catch us Sharon! They'll find out what you did!"

That's when the police busted through my door, taking my mother away.

~~~~~*AUTHORS NOTE*~~~~~~~

Hey lovely people of the interweb! thanks for taking a look at my story! More to come soon! please comment what ya think! XOXO

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