Uploading File

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"Ahh!" Cynthia pushed back her chair and threw her books on the floor. Words swimming before her eyes she kicked them under her bed only for them to rebound and slam into her foot. Which was precisely what Cynthia had expected to happen. Life had it in for her. No jokes. People say life has it in for them all the time; but this time it actually did. She was considered the problem. The glitch. The error that made the entire system spaz up. See, she wasn't meant to be born. In a world where everything conformed to the 'natural' way of things, 'set' rules that 'changed' with the times.

'Natural'; 'changed'; my arse! Cynthia thought, hopping around the foot of her bed as she did so, if the rules did evolve, then why the hell was this happening to her?! Life controlled everything, her parents had been the first rebels life had ever seen, anyone had ever seen. So, of course, she was punished for it. Her parents? Never seen again.

Flopping down on her bed, Cynthia pulled out her glossy new handset and began to type. Okay, life hadn't been too bad towards her, at least she'd got herself a pretty snazzy room out of it.

Hang on, that was just compensation for the last time; life had to pretend to be fair to her. Had it ever? Nope. It had backstabbed her at every opportunity.

Like now, with its refusal to upload her new page.

Everyone had to keep a blog. Everyone. So everyone knew what everyone was doing; where evreyone was; why they were doing that etc. Meaning to strengthen bridges, create friendships, and increase awareness... or - the more cynical view - so that life could keep track of them.

"Ahh, fuck this." Cynthia moaned, rolling over to her side. If life wasn't letting upload it, then she'd have to disobey - once again. Mind you, life probably wouldn't have liked what she was gonna put up there anyway...

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