11|| Knight to F3

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11|| Knight to F3

If not for her intentions in the 1940s and the key players of this time, Hermione would dread the Slug Club dinner more than any other aspect of her time-travel.  However, just the sheer fact that Tom Riddle resides down the hall, soon to be Lord Voldemort, has Hermione prioritizing her dislikes and taking to the dinner.  She wears the black velvet dress, it's v-neck conservative though tempting to reveal cleavage and the skirt falling to her knees.  She wears her high black socks of her uniform to prevent a chill before pulling half her hair up and adorning the Ministry woman's pearl earrings.  Hermione takes extra care in hiding and warding the Time-Turner within her room, this being the first time it is off her body.  It seems like she is parting with a portion of her soul, but Tom Riddle could probably assure her that it this act is far more painful.

Moving to the Common Room with the intention of being precisely on-time, other students look to her with slight praise.  Despite the war-torn appearance that seems to follow her everywhere, the girl looks radiant in the darkness of her clothing, the men looking admirably and wantingly to her covered body.  Of course, Hermione sees this, but she does nothing in response, accepting such looks from Slytherin teenagers.

Little trouble meets her as she arrives to Slughorn's classroom, entering behind some Ravenclaw prefect and slinking into the darkness like a trained assassin.  From what she can tell, there are about one-dozen attendees to the feast, mainly Slytherins though a few are from other Houses.  Two Gryffindors and two Ravenclaws stand in one corner, and there is a stunning lack of Hufflepuffs.

When the heroine enters the room, Tom Riddle is speaking in quiet tones with Lestrange and Avery, the only other Knight attendees to the Slug Club.  And though the Dark Lord has previously zoned out on the conversation, watching an inebriated Slughorn, the boy's eyes latch onto the fetching form of Hermione Granger as she moves in.  His expression towards her differs from all other males, as could be expected from a cold-hearted wizard, thinking over his future plans for Hermione with a sudden smirk.  He follows her form easily, Hermione's eyes latching onto those of Clarence before her feet send her rushing to the Head Girl's side, a sense of comfort in the dark dungeons.

"Tom?" Lestrange asks, noticing Tom's focus, not on himself but on something else entirely.

The Dark Lord turns to him with a slow turn, eyes threatening and charming as ever as he answers with, "Yes?"

"Orion's been informed of the meeting," Lestrange repeats, prompting Tom to nod at the two before looking to the remaining dozen attendees around the room.  Avery and Lestrange exchange a wary glance, knowing Riddle to be plotting, yet recognizing his focus revolves around the only female Knight.  Whether they're worried for themselves, Tom, or Hermione, no one can be sure.

"Come and take your seats," Slughorn calls gaily from the head seat of the large table.

Clary pulls Hermione along eagerly, tugging her into a seat near the middle of the masses.  And though Hermione intends to gesture for Abraxas's company on her other side, Tom Riddle swoops into the chair to her left, sparing Hermione not one glance.  She cannot help the huff of irritation that escapes her lips, overwhelmed by the pressure of the future.  Not only must she deal with the Dark Lord as a dinner partner, but now she has to act as the buffer between Clary and Tom, once again.

Hermione dissolves into silence as food appears and the attendees take to eating.  Slughorn's questions revolve around familial ties, poking for connections and proudly exclaiming his own ties to power.  Eventually, Hermione allows herself to zone-off from the conversation, figuring Slughorn will not ask her of her parents given Dippet's warning at the beginning of the semester.  She takes to thinking of her friends back home, a smile ghosting her cheeks in a small bit of sentimentality that's been hidden away since arriving here.

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