74|| Pawn to G3

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74|| Pawn to G3

The next morning is brighter than those of the previous days--more than just for the reason of a strengthening summer and longer days, but for the weight of Tom's trial in the past. Indeed, everything seems a bit more hopeful in prospects, with news of Hogwarts' complete renovation and the reopening of a normal Ministry with Kingsley at its helm for the time being. And to accompany the sudden happiness, Molly makes a larger than life feast for breakfast, splayed out on the dining room table for all house guests, family members, and visitors to enjoy. It may be morning, but everyone is content to be alive and awake.

Hermione and Tom sit side-by-side at the dining room table, having already partaken in breakfast but now drinking tea and coffee to settle their jumpy spirits. People swirl and mix behind their backs, mainly Weasleys but with the Lupins dropping in, baby included. Conversation chimes in their ears, spent between themselves and those around them.

But at that moment, Ginny rushes in with a fearful expression and heavy steps, waving the paper in the air and drawing the attention of everyone, even Teddy: "Have you seen the Prophet?"

"Let me see," Harry says, grabbing it from Ginny's hand at her resulting offer, everyone watching as his face cringes back at the headline and surely the picture. Harry looks angry by it all, not hesitating to scan the article for truth, though it only deepens his scowl as Tom's grin widens. Why is he so pleased?

"What did she have to say?" Tom asks nonchalantly, taking a sip of his coffee and further inflaming the few females in the room, most potent in Ginny and Hermione.

Grabbing the paper from Harry's hands, Ginny reads the title, "'Tom Riddle Exhibits His Inner Voldemort' an article by Rita Skeeter."

And though it should have upset him, Tom Riddle is more like Harry Potter than many would think, only rolling his eyes at the idiocracy of the woman and not necessarily caring what she has to say. It's the same with Harry in the past, having had many papers written on him. And yet, Harry now seems to react to Rita's words, looking nothing less than troubled in the morning light.

"Surely there could have been a better title," Tom quips aggressively, but still with an air of amusement. "Maybe 'Tom Riddle Slytherins to the Golden Trio.'"

He thinks it is a brilliant title, truth be told, but Hermione just seems angry at Tom's snide remarks though less than she is at the roach of a reporter. "Tom, this is not funny. People will think bad of you."

"They already do, Hermione," he is quick to respond, knowing that a victory at court will not immediately change people's perception of him. As long as he is biologically similar to Voldemort, Tom Riddle will have a stigma attached to him and his name, something that might inhibit his goals for life.

"Still, this needs to stop," Harry says, the whole pattern of Rita's articles beginning again, just with a new and aggressive target. When Tom promised revenge against the reporter, the boy surely meant it, and Harry cannot help looking forward to the justice being served.

"But we cannot do anything about Skeeter," Ron acknowledges for the rest.

"I'll offer her an interview in exchange for discretion on Tom," Harry makes to sacrifice himself again, something no one wants and even less by Tom Riddle.

"I will not let you do that for me," Tom says, standing to pour himself more coffee simply to get through the day. "She'll just twist your words and then we will both look bad. I must prove to the public that I am of good character."

"I agree," Hermione echoes his words, again realizing why she prefers a relationship with Tom over Harry or Ron, simply because the boy is driven more by logic than passionate feeling.

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