Chapter 5: Visitor

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I am tied up with school work for the following weeks, so I haven't seen Albert, not even once. As much as I miss him, to avoid harbouring false hopes myself or giving him the wrong impression, I do not take my initiative to find him. We keep in touch through occasional emails however.

On Valentine's Day, Annie and Patty insist I join their party in a restaurant, where live music and dance floor are provided. After my last lesson that late afternoon, Annie drags me to Archie's car, ignoring my protest. Her reason is, "Who knows? You might meet someone single over there too!"

When we arrive, I see Patty and Stear waiting for us by the table already. After dinner, my friends can't wait to get out to dance, so they tag me along without asking if I really want to dance. Since it's fast music, I don't mind dancing with them as a group. After a couple of upbeat songs, the band plays a slow love song, so I excuse myself. While leaving the dance floor, I decide to escape the party; I feel so out of place anyway. Luckily, Annie and Patty enjoy dancing with their boyfriends so much that when I sneak out, they do not notice at all.

It begins snowing outside, so it's freezing cold, but I'm only glad that I'm alone again. I gather that both Annie and Patty wanted to keep me company tonight, but they don't understand that it actually makes me feel lonelier than ever. By the time they find my note on the table, they will get the idea that I do not appreciate being forced to come. This is what I have written down:

'Valentine's Day is so commercialized now that couples are pressured to act romantic on this particular day every year. For singles, it's even worse. Without having a "special someone" in our lives, we are like losers in the world. Have fun, my friends. I'm going home, and please don't call me.


I admit that I did that on an impulse, but I couldn't stop myself from ranting. I probably will apologize to Annie or Patty when we see each other again later, but all I want to do right now is to hide in my bedroom and sleep. Hence, I call a taxi, but when I am almost home, I happen to spot Albert's car parked along the street near my house. Why is he here?

Then I realize that if I'm in a bad mood because of Valentine's Day, the pain Albert feels must have been excruciating! It only reminds him of his loss of someone truly special to him. Thus, after I have paid the taxi driver, I carefully saunter over to Albert's car. The snow is getting heavier now, and it begins to stick to the ground.

I have expected to see him inside the car, but I'm still surprised when he appears sleeping with his head down on his folded arms on top of the steering wheel. It's about nine o'clock now, and is he this tired already? At any rate, I determine to wake him up or he may catch cold. So I take off my gloves and tap on his window repeatedly until he is roused.

When he lifts up his face and flutters his eyes sluggishly, I tap on the glass even louder to catch his attention. He's seemingly delighted to see me, and he swiftly opens his door and gets off the car.

"Hi Candy!" he greets me with a genuine smile.

I banter, "Albert, don't tell me you're looking for a date here."

He grins and asks without answering my question, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yes. Why?"

Just then, his stomach growls. His face is painted with embarrassment when he stammers, "Sorry... I have skipped my dinner... I shouldn't have assumed that you're home."

I offer, "No problem! Let me fix you something to eat then."

But he turns me down, "Never mind, Candy. I will buy some take-out myself."

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