Chapter 7: Birthday

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Our friendship has grown even stronger since that snowy day. Albert sincerely cares about me as a person and often asks me how I am doing in college or other aspects of my life either by calling me, messaging me or even asking me out for dinners. I come to know him more and more, and we soon discover that we both love sports in general.

"Before my accident, I was highly involved in various team sports, basketball, hockey, volleyball, and so forth."

He responds, "Me too, in high school and in university. Actually, I have always had an active lifestyle, and I'm glad that you're picking it up as well, Candy."

Yet we don't see each other as often as I want. When I'm quite engaged with my school work, he sometimes accompanies me to the library by bringing his laptop to work alongside me, but not every time, because he starts having his own circle of friends, for which I'm genuinely happy.

As Spring has arrived, the weather is getting warmer, and he doesn't mind joining the outdoor activities organized by my friends, such as biking, hiking, sailing, kayaking, and what not. If we do go out as a group, he always gives me a ride. His reason is that this is more environmentally friendly.

It's not surprising that Annie begins to suspect that something is going on between me and Albert. After one such outing, she calls my mobile. It happens that I am about to attend a project group meeting with my fellow classmates, so she broaches the subject without delay. First, she says she can't believe that I have accepted the offer and will be studying in Montréal this fall.

"What's the hurry? You can always apply that medical school after you have got your bachelor degree here. Also, don't we have an excellent local medical school too? Why travel more than halfway across the country?"

"I know, but my adventurous spirit calls me to be independent, and I love that city so much that I can't wait to start my life there."

"Stop lying to me!"

My dear cousin can be quite forthright sometimes, so I protest with silence, but she adds, "When you finally have the chance to start a relationship with Albert-"

I interrupt her at once, "He's my best friend, Annie, but nothing more."

She doesn't want to give up yet. "Is it possible that he is afraid to risk his heart again?"

"I honestly don't know, Annie."

That's all I can say to her at the moment without sounding upset.

"But at least you should let him know how you feel about him," she suggests with a command tone.

"He knows that I used to love him," I retort impatiently.

She's quiet for a few seconds before she questions, "Did you say 'used to'?"


"So that's it! He must have thought that you were over him now!" she insists.

When I'm trying to think of a riposte to her remark, she continues her speculation, "Or he doesn't want to be selfish? In other words, you stay in Vancouver on your own accord, not because he has made a request?"

Before I have a chance to process her words, she admonishes me, "You should have a heart-to-heart talk with him!"

"No," I give her a firm response right away.

"Why not?"

She seems uncertain this time, if not confounded. After a moment of contemplation, I come up with a convincing answer, both to myself and to her, "There's nothing in his manner that implies that he is in love with me. I mean I am blessed to have him as my best friend, even a mentor and a role model, but there's no romance between us. Only occasional goodbye kisses on my cheek."

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