First Meeting

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"Eleanor!" My mum yelled up the stairs. "Alana's here."

I heard my mum say something to Alana, then the sound of footsteps coming up the steps. A few seconds later the door to my bedroom flew open and Alana was in my room.

"What happened in here?" she asked, throwing herself down on my bed.

"I go back to Uni next week and I can never decide on what to take."

"And that means your room becomes a battle field?"

I looked at the piles of clothes around me, she was right it did look a little like a battlefield. I was never good at packing because I never knew what to take and what to leave. If I had it my way I would just take my whole room, but I guess that's not allowed.

"Are you almost ready?" she asked as she rocked back and forth on my bed impatiently.

Alana had always been impatient, even when we were younger she hated waiting on anyone. I think I have always driven her crazy by how long it takes me to get ready. At the moment I was holding two different tops up trying to decide on which one to wear with my black shorts.

"Just put the tan button up on and let's go." Alana huffed as she fell back onto my bed with her arms up.

"Fine." I slipped the t-shirt that I had on off and threw on the tan button up shirt; I slipped on my sandals and grabbed my purse. "Ready." I held my arms out to show Alana that I was done.

"It's about time!" Alana sat up.

"I just like to look nice."

"You could wear a paper bag and look nice El." She stood up from my bed and went to the door.

I blushed as I followed her out of my room closing the door behind me. Growing up I had always felt awkward about my looks; I was always the long, lanky girl. Everyone would say I was too skinny; that I had a weird nose, or that my ears were too big, I tried to make up for these flaws by dressing nice and learning about fashion.

"Where are you girls off to?" My mum called from out from the living room as Alana and I landed down stairs. 

"Off to see one of Alana's friends." I smiled as we entered the living room.

My mum was sitting on the sofa drinking a cup of tea and reading a book.  I loved my mum, she was beautiful, smart and one of the most amazing women I knew, I was very lucky to have her as my mum. I went over to her to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh, which one?" She asked.

"His names Harry."  Alana said from the doorway to our living room. "We used to work at the bakery together."

"What are you planning on doing?"  My mum asked, she was always curious and asked questions like this every time anyone was doing something she was not included in. I'm positive she's the one I got my curiosity from.

"Just going to get a bite to eat and then maybe see a movie." I kissed her forehead again and walked over to Alana.

"That sounds lovely." She took a sip of her tea. "Be safe and have a wonderful time." She picked her book back up and started to read again.

Alana's car was parked right out front of my townhouse; unlike Alana I still hadn't learned how to drive.  We drove into the city, not saying much and listening to music from her iPod the whole way.  My stomach was is knots, I was nervous to see Harry.  He had hung out with Alana and I before, so it wasn't that I had never met him before, it's just this is the first time I had seen him since the show had happened.

"You're being awfully quite." Alana looked smirked over towards me. "Everything alright?"

"Of course." 

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