Dear Diary: They Took Pictures

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Dear diary,

Last night was one of the best nights I have ever had.  However this morning has been completely mad.

First, I woke up to at least a hundred text messages from everyone I know asking if the rumors and pictures were real.

Second, I got on my computer and saw that pictures from last night of Louis and myself were everywhere on the gossip blogs.

And Third, I freaked out.

How did this happen?

Never mind, I know how it happened; I just didn't think it would be this big of a deal.

And you should see the things they are saying about me. Over night they have managed to find out that I'm from London, that I go to the University of Manchester and that I study politics and sociology. Some are even going as far as saying that I'm a model, which I had to laugh at because that's just ridicules. I'm too clumsy to ever be a model, just ask Alana or Max.

I should have just kept my head down and never answered that dumb paparazzi's question about who I was. If they never knew my name then they would never have found all that out about me, but of course I wasn't thinking about that was I?

And now what if Louis thinks that I gave them my name because I am some fame hungry girl who is only hanging out with him because he's in One Direction?  I would never want him to think that, because I'm not, I truly fancy Louis for Louis.

But worst of all diary, what if my mum finds out?  I told her last night that I was going out with an old friend, if she sees these pictures; she's going to know that I lied.  It's not that I'm ashamed to tell my mum about hanging out with Louis, I'm just scared of what she'll say.  She always told me to stay out of trouble, to keep to myself and to not let anyone know anything they didn't need to know about, and well having my picture taken with a member of a boy band is not really keeping to myself, staying out of trouble or being private. I'm also scared that if Louis and I were to start dating that she might not approve because he is famous, she might think that he's got bad news written all over him.

Oh now my stomach is all in knots.

Hold on I just got a text.

It was Louis asking if I was awake, I'm going to go call him and try to sort some of this out. 

I guess this is what it feels like to be famous; I just wish I were the same ordinary girl from Uni like I was last night.





Sorry that it took me awhile to post this, thinking have been crazy at school and just in life.

I hope you all like this diary entry and I will try to post the next chapter by the end of the weekend.  

If you did like it please comment and vote.

Also let me know what you would like to see happen in the future with Eleanor. 

Thank you all for your love and support!

EleanorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang