chapter 1

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lilys pov

beep beep beep beep

the terrible sound of my alarm clocks goes off.

I shift my self trying to turn it off, I turn it off.

I groan and lift my self from my comfortable position.

well yes i hate Mondays.

And I hate school.

I've always hated it, especially when it comes to the students

I've never really gotten along with anyone expect my bestfriend, Maria.

I've known her since middle school

We use to be best friends until a couple of days ago

Back in middle school I had this crush, fuckboy kind off guy.

His name was Kendall, after he found out I liked him he would always say he had power over me, what a douchebag

Anyway Maria at his party slept with him, middle school

Anyway all I need to worry about is getting my lazy ass out of my warm ass bed

I could already here my mom calling me from the front door to come down, I haven't even got my clothes or makeup on.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I run to the bath room across the hall in my underwear hopefully my brother doesn't see me.

I rush in and close the door gripping my makeup bag and trying to unzip it

I decided to go natural, it's my first day back and I don't care what other people think.

I run back to my bedroom going through my clothes while my mom is still yelling

"Yes mom I'm coming!" I grabbed a crop top and jeans

I put my hair up in a messy bun not caring if it had any bumps or anything that would look unattractive

You can already guess what type of person I am

I grab my hand bag from the rack and shut the door rushing down the steps towards the car hoping in and shutting the door violently.

"Finally!" My mom pushes the keys in and speeds off

We pass a traffic light as I already see people walking into my school I just hate living around the corner

"Lily" she sighs "why didn't you wear the dress I suggested"

"Mom this isn't prom!"

She slows down parking right in front off my school great

"Bye honey love you" I don't respond I just slam the car door in embarrassment

I ignore all the eyes staring at me I hate being the centre of attention

Unlike Bridget aka queen of bitchs

I walk to my locker shoving my books in and taking the books out that I need.

I slam my locker seeing Bridget and her little bitchy friends that act like her servants, walking towards me

Oh shit

"Well well well isn't it lily" I roll my eyes not making eye contact with her

"Bridget can we do this later when you look less like a slut" I lock eyes with her


I walk past her pushing her softly bye bye


ugh first period, the teachers are fucking assholes

"Miss Evans please get off your phone, you know the rules" I grunt and slide it in the back pocket of my backpack

"OK class let's begin"

While the teacher is doing her boring ass speech about what ever the fuck we are learning about, in the corner of my eye I see someone staring at me a few seats away from me.

I don't hesitate to look back seeing the fuckboy Ethan Dolan

As soon as he realises I'm staring he leans over to tell his friend something

I roll my eyes putting my attention back on the teacher

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn my head to the back off the class

"Miss Evans pay attention!" She snaps "detention!"

I close my eyes, cross my arms and slide in my chair

I hear the teacher shouting again

I open my eyes and look where she's shouting

"Ethan Dolan!" She snaps once again "detention!"

As soon as she turns back at the board as see Ethan smiling and lightly chuckling

I've never seen anyone be so happy about getting detention


well I hoped you enjoyed this TRASH chapter


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