Chapter 2

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So, maybe not the most exciting chapter but I wanted to show the first day of school and her reaction though. I promise though that you'll meet the Alpha in the next chapter :), and that should be up probably tomorrow. 

Thank you to everyone that votes and comments and fans. You guys are awesome!

Kayla >>>>>>>>>>>

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes) 


Chapter 2


A snarl woke me. I sat up and looked around, confused. As I listened I heard more than one snarl. There were many. A loud bang from outside sent me up and shrieking. I stood in the middle of my large room, quivering. My door was closed but in the hall I could hear heavy footsteps walking towards my room. I whimpered as they stopped outside my door. Backing up, I pressed myself against the wall and glued my eyes to the door, small tears clouding my eyesight.

            The door burst open to reveal a large rusty colored wolf. The door hung off its hinges, the sides splintered. I screamed out as the wolf bared its teeth at me. I could already tell this wolf was not in my father’s pack. I knew every wolf in the pack and whoever stood in front of me wished me nothing but harm.

            He stalked forward, growling and licking his lips. I could see something dark coating his muzzle and a faint metallic smell drifted towards me. It took me only a second the recognize the scent as being blood. Blood coated his muzzle. This was it then. This wolf was going to kill me and there was nothing I could do. I was only seven, I couldn’t shift yet. I cried, waiting my mom and dad. The wolf let out a throaty bark, almost like it was laughing at me.

            I stood in my white nightgown and clutched my teddy bear to me. Almost in slow motion the wolf leaned back on its haunches and then propelled itself at me. I screamed as it lunged.


            I screamed and shot up, drenched in sweat. My sheets were tangled around my legs and my heart was pounding. I took deep breaths as I stumbled into the bathroom. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. I splashed cold water on my face and stood, looking at the sink as I tried to calm down and push the dream away. Finally my heartbeat returned to normal and I looked into the mirror. My blond curls were damp from sweat and my eyes were accompanied with dark circles. I looked like someone who could really use some sleep. It’s not that I don’t get enough sleep, it’s just that I get dreams like the one I’d just had. I’d rather not sleep than have those dreams again.

            Jumping into the shower quickly, I washed away the bad memories and focused on calming the nerves. The worst part about moving to a new town is going to a new school. Being painfully shy kept me from having friends. People assumed that because of my looks, I thought  I was better than them so they avoided me. You would think that after attending eight different schools in almost as many years, I’d be over the whole first day of school jitters, but they still get to me.

            I went through my closet before pulling on a plain white shirt and black jeans. I left my hair down, leaving it in its natural wavy state.  Nothing flashy, I just wanted to blend in. I slipped on a pair of strappy, black sandals and grabbed my backpack. Grabbing a banana and a water as I entered the kitchen I looked around for Aaron, sort of surprised he hadn’t barged in after I screamed. It hadn’t occurred to me until I was changing but I figured he was still mad from yesterday about me being late. After giving me the third degree he went to his room for the rest of the night. I spied a not on the counter and picked it up.

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