Return to the Dark City

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hiya everyone;

Here is one of the two planned lost stories, this is the first and takes place five years after Riddle of Blood. It is rough and unedited so no grammar nazi comments.

Comment, vote, enjoy and have fun.

PS. 53 pages (word pages)

Beca: Return to the Dark City

Beca panted gently as she came to a stop in a tree, she had been racing through the trees to make up time as she was due back in Ranger village by dusk which was in five hours and she had a good seven hours of travel left to get there. The deadline was important as tomorrow was her coming of age; it was silly considering she had been a fully-fledged Ranger for nearly two years having skipped most of her apprenticeship, that she was still technically not even an adult yet. The last thing she wanted however was for her mother to drag her back to the capitol; her siblings would never let her live it down.

She groaned as it started to rain, she could have willed herself back to Ranger village in an instant but she felt like it was cheating, she was a Ranger, her ancient powers were more of a hindrance to her than a help as they made it easy to use them. A Ranger's life wasn't meant to be easy, it was meant to be hard, how could she connect with nature if she didn't live and breathe it. Well regardless of if she stood here or continued to run she was going to get wet and she needed to get back, lifting the hood of her cloak she pulled it up to shade her face a little from the driving rain and started to move again.

Having spent the last year exploring and cataloguing an area far away from her family she was looking forward to getting home and hoped that her next assignment didn't take her too far from them. In her year away she had changed a little as she was no longer eating the rich foods Bastion made, she looked more Fae than ever although the long mottled cloak she wore hid her identity entirely when the hood was up. Her long white hair was tied back in a ponytail which her cloak hid and her glowing green eyes were what generally caught people's attention to the point that it took them a moment to realise that she was a Dark Elf, which were like the Gephalim of the Fae.

Getting to the end of a branch she leapt easily to another, silently thanking Rayven again for her lessons in free running. A few jumps later she had to make a much longer jump, she didn't hesitate she just did a running leap; she didn't however expect the branch to break the moment she put weight on it. A chain shot out and latched onto a stronger branch and swung her up and to a different tree. Beca knelt on the branch and panted, Thank you, she told her weapons who had probably kept her from breaking her neck and wasting more time.

"Fuck it!" She said to herself and willed herself back to Ranger village to hand in her reports and all the data she had gathered.

"Cheater," Ayra said as she had been around where Beca had willed herself.

"I have been running for over a week... I decided to forgo the last five hours because I was still seven hours away!" she told her former mentor.

Ayra chuckled and tugged back Beca's hood before giving her a hug, "Welcome home."

"Yeah, let me hand in my report and then I can find out where I am living while I am here, get dry, then you can treat me to your lovely mate's stew and we'll catch up." Beca said and Ayra nodded.

"You can also meet our daughter," Ayra said as she let Beca go.

"Really!" Beca exclaimed and got a nod.

"Two months now." Ayra said as she walked away.

"See that's what happens when you go on a mission for a year, you miss things," she complained before she walked off in the general direction of the heart tree where Rachel did all her work. Skirting around a tree she came face to face with Battle. "Hello Battle." She greeted the big cat and gave her a scratch before continuing on her way. She got to Rachel's office but Rachel was nowhere to be seen, pulling her bag forward she pulled out a small sack of data crystals, 112 crystals to be factual, her name was on the bag so Rachel would know they were hers. She placed it in the in tray and then walked over to the wall where every Ranger's name was and where they were. She found her plaque and moved it from on mission to in village before she left the office.

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