Sai'ee finds her path.

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

AN: Not edited

Hi everyone;

Here is the last planned short story, (although how 59 word pages is short, I don't know) I hope you all enjoy. Now I get more time to work on getting Kiss of the Moon to the point where it can be published.

Have Fun, comment, vote.

Sai'ee finds her path.

Sai'ee tugged on her new clothes as she looked into the mirror and studied herself, her long golden hair was tied back in a ponytail, her long pointed ears were free to move as they wanted, shifting slightly to catch sounds. Her pale blue skin was smooth and her purple eyes were flecked with silver in a trait she had inherited from her mothers, scanning quickly over what she wore she grabbed the acceptance letter to the school to check that she was wearing the right clothes as she had received a heap of them.

Today was her first day at the battle school, for the next ten years she would be under the command of Alpha Alanna although she preferred the title Master at the school. She checked her foot locker one last time after scanning the room before she sealed it and ran her fingers over her name which was embossed on the metal plate on top. She hadn't really changed much in the last five years, grown a little taller but not much else.

"Sai'ee," Bra'eck said as she walked in followed by Ra'lth.

"I'm ready," she told her mothers.

Bra'eck walked forward and brushed her hands against her daughter's uniform, "You are just like Ra'lth and look really handsome in a uniform."

Sai'ee grinned, she knew Bra'eck didn't want her to go to the battle school, she wanted to keep her daughter close but Ra'lth had stood with Sai'ee, her mate was from New Haven and this world was their home now, going to the school would prepare her for her life here in ways they were not.

"Come we better get you to the school," Ra'lth said and with Sai'ee's help, they carried her trunk from quarters they currently called home to the teleporting pad in the space station.

Falling Star was waiting for her at the pad, Dragons didn't go to the battle school until they were thirty years old since they aged so slowly for the first thirty years of their life, so Sai'ee would be saying goodbye to her best friend for now. They hugged for a moment saying silent goodbyes. "I'll write you," Sai'ee said and Falling Star nodded.

Kael jogged forward and stopped Sai'ee for a moment, "Just remember the training Master is firm but fair. As long as you always do your best you'll be fine."

Castle clapped his hand on Kael's shoulder many of the wings who had rotated up on the stations had made friends with the friendly Sai'ee, "Sadly we can't tell you what awaits there, the school has changed a lot since we were students." He told her. "But remember, what is the purpose of battle training?" he asked her.

"To learn to work as a team, obey orders and learn my own strengths and weaknesses," Sai'ee said as they had talked a few times about some of the outcomes of the school as those hadn't changed everything else, however, was shrouded in secrecy.

Castle messed her hair, "Do yourself proud and remember... the brave may not live forever... but the cautious do not live at all." He told her before he grabbed Kael as they were about to go and do patrols in flyers.

Ra'lth smiled and together they were teleported to the school which was its own community, it was also a gated community which kept parents from coming and disturbing the students. There were open days and communication terminals but other than that the students were effectively in a boarding school. Ra'lth had voiced concern to Amy about all those hormonal teenagers in one place but Amy just chuckled and replied that Alanna gets them young enough to drill obeying into their minds that there are very few issues.

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