MTB 1-New Beggings

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*this is the sequel to Fools With You. so do not read this if you haven't read the first book*

I walked to my locker and put in the combination to open it.

When I got it opened I put in the books that I didn't need right now and took out my book for first period, which is A.P. English.

I waited for a minute cause my bestfriend might come see me before class but he never came. Instead it was my girl bestfriend Leelani.

"Hey girl!" She said giving me a hug. Leelani is a Blasian with a big butt. Hard to believe shes Asian with that ass, but her eyes show it.

"Wassup boo?" I said releasing myself from the hug. She opened her locker and took out her book for first period, which is the same class as mine.

She closed her locker and we headed to class.

"Wheres ya boyfriend?" She asked, referring to my bestfriend.

"He's not my boyfriend and I don't know he didn't come to my locker this morning."

"Yeah whatever." She said while we walked in the class and sat our table.
She swears we like eachother.


Lani and I was at our lunch table eating. We had just came back from buying pizza.

"You going to Jeremy's party friday?"

"Maybe his sister might be there and you know I don't like her." She had a problem with me since I came to the school and I don't know why.

"Fuck Jessica come."

"I'll think about it." I told her. Even though I won't cause I don't wanna go.

"Wassup New York!" Chris yelled walking to our table.

"Hey bestfriend!" He gave me a hug then Leelani. Then he sat next to me.

"Awww ya'll look so cute!" Lani sais being annoying.
"Anyways what y'all talking bout?" He asked ignoring her.

"Jeremy's party, but thats not important where were you this morning?"

"Oh I woke up late and ended reaching to school for third period."

"Why didn't you set your alarm?

"I did I kept snoozing it telling my self 5 more minutes which turned into 4 hours."

I laughed. "Chris your a sad case."

"I was tired man."

The bell for us to go to our next period rung. we got up and walked out the lunch room.

Lani ,Chris and I walked to my locker.

"I don't feel like going to Trig son." I said thinking about how annoying this man is, our math teacher.

"Yeah me either" Lani agreed.

"Lets go to my house." Chris suggested and we agreed.

We snuck out the school and got in his car. When we reached his house, took off our shoes at the front door and got soda from the fridge. Then went upstairs.

We watched Love & Basketball. I picked the movie. I really love that movie.

Chris sung the songs. Did I mention he has an amazing voice. I always wanted a boyfriend that can sing, so he can just sing to me all day.

I must have fell asleep cause I woke up with my head on someones chest and them holding me.

I looked up and saw it was Chris.
I started to think about the first time Chris and I kissed. It just happened but we agreed not to talk about it again for the sake of our friendship.


"Mommy can we sleep over daddy's house this weekend?" Lyric asked me.

"Yeah , look ask him." I said dialing Chris' number and giving her the phone.

When Chris and I broke up he tried to get back with me numerous of times but I denied him.

"Hello." He answered.

"Hi daddy."

"Oh hey princess, whats up? you and you brother okay?"

"Yes can me and Cj sleep at your house this weekend daddy?" She asked.

"Yeah, imma come pick ya'll up later alright." She smiled.

"Okay, love you daddy bye."

"Love you too princess. Wheres your mommy?" I motioned for her to tell him im in the bathroom, but she does not lie to her daddy.

"Shes right here daddy." She said giving me the phone.

I took the phone and she went in their room probably telling Cj the good news.

"Yes?" i answered.

"Hello beautiful." I shook my head he always does this.

"Bye Chris have a good day." He laughed and said " aight bye."

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