Part IV

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Lucas skimmed his fingers over the scarification on Cal's arm, fascinated by the intricate designs. They were beautiful, like her arms were etched with lace. Each line was raised, giving the skin a ridged texture. His eyes drifted down from one set of scars to another. These were far from beautiful, an angry web centered over her right hip. What happened to her?

She'd fallen asleep in his arms. No tricks, no influencing her mind, she had just snuggled in close and drifted off. He had been laying here, holding her, for the past ten minutes.

His last meal had been three days ago, a young man he met at a bar. A little shy, cute rather than handsome, probably underage with a fake ID. It had been easy, a practiced routine, there was always someone looking for a connection: sex, companionship, to feel, to forget. Lucas would seek them out, charm them. Sometimes it led to sex, more often not, but eventually he would take control of their mind and feed. In the morning they would be a little light headed but remember nothing. It had been many years since he had killed one of his meals, there was no need and people noticed too many unexplained deaths. The boy had been tasty, a bit too much alcohol in his blood for Lucas' taste but young and sweet anyway. He was hungry again but not desperate, not yet, he could go over a week if he was forced to but it wasn't comfortable. He could wait.

She was so close, so warm. He could smell the blood flowing under her skin. Copper and life, better than anything he could remember eating or drinking when human. Her curls brushed his cheek where she nestled against him. Still damp from the shower they had shared. Her fresh scrubbed face, now free of makeup and false lashes, was relaxed. It was a strong face, one that matched her personality, but with a sweetness that could so easily be lost. All he would need to do is tip his head just a short distance, her neck was so close.

How had she been able to fall asleep at all? She knew what he was, how dangerous he could be. Still she had taken him to bed and now she slept like it was another human next to her. Was Cal really so comfortable with him? She couldn't trust him, could she? She was so young, even younger than he'd been when turned, but she wasn't some innocent creature unaware of the threat he could pose.

He thought back over the night. Cal was very clear about what she was agreeing to, no blood but bruises were okay. Lucas could see several already forming on her thigh. She had asked for every one, begged in fact. Tonight had been very enjoyable for the both of them. If he violated her consent now, there would be no second chance with her. Normally this wouldn't concern him but he found himself liking the young mage and wanting to see her again. She could hold her own with him, that was rare enough to not throw away.

Lucas bent down, laying a light kiss over her carotid artery. He wanted more but if she didn’t offer he wouldn't take it. At least not yet.

“What am I getting myself into?” He whispered.


Author Note: This is the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it, I appreciate any comments or votes. Please consider buying a copy on Smashwords (set your own price) by clicking on the external link to support my writing. There's a longer note after this explaining a bit about writing the story, I hope you find it interesting. If you want to see what happens next, my story First Drops takes place a month later.

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