The Blood of Olympus

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Chapter One


Leo didn't expect to see old ladies in the night sky.

He was steering the ship, and fiddling with the bronze sphere, and thinking about....Calypso.

Festus blew fire, alerting Leo from his daydreams.

"What is it, boy?" Leo asked. "Monster?" Leo peered through the fog, but he couldn't see a dang thing. The mist was like soup. Maybe evil soup.

There was a flash of bright blue light. Leo averted his eyes, and Festus creaked.

When he could see again, there were three old women floating above the Argo II. One held a basket of blue yarn. Another held giant socks. The last held scissors, and a piece of the string.

Uh oh. Leo knew who they were. And it wasn't good that they were here.

The one with the scissors cut the yarn, and the entire boat shuddered. All three ladies nodded slowly--Man, Leo thought, that's creepy--and they disappeared, leaving a squeaking dragon and a confused and nervous demigod.

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

When it was Jason's turn to keep watch, Leo headed towards his cabin, but Jason stopped him.

"Leo," he spoke, "ever since you came back after being sent away by've been acting....different. Something about you's changed."

Leo didn't meet his eyes. "Well, being flung off a flying ship isn't an experience I'd recommend."

"You know what I mean."

Leo sighed. "I'm going to get some sleep. Peace out." He left to go to sleep.

Of course, he had dreams. Nightmares, to be accurate.

He was standing on Calypso's island, and his heart leapt.

Calypso. He remembered the scent of cinnamon that hung around her, the way her hair swept over her shoulders.

But where was she?

Leo looked around, and noticed a line of black on the horizon. There, the land was crumbling into nothing, into darkness, and destruction. When the darkness passed an area of land, it was as if a huge tornado had gone through. Like, five times.

"Leo!" A voice shouted. Leo turned, and saw Calypso running towards him. She was covered in scratches, and her hair was tangled, but Leo didn't care. He was about to run to her when she fell, and the black line reached her island. There was an explosion, and Leo's dream shifted.

This time, he was observing an army from above. With a jolt, he realized it was being led by Octavian. That son of a duck. He just wouldn't stop trying to kill the Greeks and their allies.

Leo realized that he recognized the area they were in. They were in Ohio, a place that he'd somehow ended up at when he was running away from one of his last foster homes. If the Romans were in Ohio already, more than halfway to camp.....

They will attack your puny camp, Gaea whispered in my mind, and you will rip each other apart.

"Not if I can help it, Dirt Face," I muttered. "You'll never win. Especially with Repair Boy on the half-bloods' side."

There was no reply, but I could picture her smiling, knowing we were doomed.

~+~ ~+~ ~+~

Leo woke with a start, falling off his bed and hitting his skull on the floor.


He shook his head to clear the dizziness, and stood up.

He was sure of two things.

Calypso was in grave danger. And his camp was about to be destroyed.

Man, Gaea is annoying.

He walked to the meeting room, where Frank was eating a bagel, and Piper and Annabeth were talking about strategies. Leo kinda missed Coach Hedge, their slightly violent satyr companion. At this point in the day, he was usually running around giving directions that no one listened to.

"Hey, Leo," Piper said when she noticed him. "How'd you sleep?"

"Bad," he replied. "I'll tell you when everyone is awake."

Just then, Hazel ran down the stairs, looking panicked. She was shaking, and her eyes were wild.

Frank put down his bagel and put his arm around her. "What's wrong?"

"I-it's Nico," she managed. "He, R-reyna, and Coach H-hedge, they got attacked. I saw in a dream. They're all wounded, but Reyna....she's dying."

"Do they have ambrosia and nectar?" Annabeth asked promptly.

"I don't know."

Piper cursed. "This is really bad."

How are we going to survive? Leo asked himself.


U likey? Yes? No? Maybe so? Let me know in the comments!

Updates may be's crazy, as I'm sure we all know.

Dedicated to @KiritoKayaba and @youngwildandfree6 for being amazing friends.

Chicken and waffles,


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