Fighting Enemies and Things That Like to Bite Your Neck.

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Day Ten

Memory Accession: Sample 328

Accession justification:  There are elements of this which seem to describe me also.

The soul, called "Atman" leaves the body and reincarnates itself according to the deeds or Karma performed by one in last birth. Re-birth would be in form of animals or other lower creatures if one performed bad Karmas and in human form in a good family with joyous lifetime if the person was good in last birth. In between the two births a human is also required to either face punishments for bad Karmas in "NARKA" or "HELL" or enjoy for the good karmas in SWARG or Heaven for good deeds. Whenever his or her punishments or rewards are over he or she is sent back to earth, also known as "Mrityulok" or World of Death. A person is merged with the God or ultimate power when he discharges only & only good Karmas in last birth and the same is called as "Moksha" or "Nirvana", which is the ultimate goal of a true Hindu. Atma (Soul) merges into "Parmatma" or the greatest soul. According to Bhagwadgita an "Atma" or soul never dies, what dies is the body only made of five elements - Earth, Sky, Water, Fire & Vacuum. Soul is believed to be indestructible. None of the five elements can harm or influence it. Hinduism through Garuda Purana also describes in detail various types of "Narkas" or Hells where a person after death is punished for his bad Karmas and dealt with accordingly.

I am confused by the idea of punishment. It seems to be strong among them, so I will research it more thoroughly.


They came early in the day. We were awake, but hadn’t started scrying and didn’t have any familiars out yet. Our first warning that anything was happening came with yells from Becks’ ‘garden’. She was the first outside, with me a close second.

There were a crowd of them, mostly looking at the two lads caught by the plants and fighting thorn whips. One or two of the others were trying to help the tangled ones. One lad turned to me just as I came out and started, “I suppose you think that’s fu…”

He didn’t get any further ‘cos Becks threw a fire ball at him.


The day started slowly. No one really wanted to get out of bed and the usual bells and wake up system didn’t start as early as normal. I said hi to Udaam and his crew, ate and thought about the day. The muesli was muesli and the thoughts were unproductive, so when other members of the cohort showed up and started talking about getting out to practice I agreed. After the breakfast, we got Phoebe to talk someone into sorting out our shields and staves and then headed off for the practice area we’d picked out before.

The shields were the carrying trays that the Duergars used at mealtime. Their gripping handles were enough to hold on to and they were both wide and long enough to cover the young bodies of the cohort members. We used ordinary staves and stabbed over the top edge of a shield with them. Just as Nelson had told us we split into four lines, the shortest in the front row, tallest in the back and the rest in the two that would split out into the horns.

Once we could assemble into formation quickly we took the back line out and put them as attackers. No one stabbed at them; we just concentrated on getting the cover efficient. It worked. None of us could see an easy way to break a shield wall. With two ranks as head and body the second line could prop up the first and steady them. They could even reach over the heads of the front row. It didn’t do much except make the wall bristle a bit more, but there were a lot of staves pointed at anyone in front of the shields and the whole thing looked intimidating. 

When the horns ran out from the main body it wrapped up the attackers. The ones on the edges didn’t know which way to turn and the ones in the middle soon found themselves getting squashed by their own people from the sides.

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