Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room drawing up a new constellation for Ryan to put up, then someone was knocking at my door.

"Hey Bella can I come in?" said my twin brother.

Sure Ry.

He opened the door and sat down on the edge of my bed.
"Hey Izzy. What's that?"

It is the new constellation I was hoping you would put up. Any reason why you needed me?

"Yes there is a reason. We need to get going. School will be starting soon."

I groaned. Oh great.

"Hey don't worry. There is going to be new students so no one will bother us for the next few weeks." he pointed out.

I sighed. Fair point. Fine. I will be in the truck in a few minutes.

"Cool. Don't take too long." He left my room without closing the damn door.

You might be wondering why I am not really talking. Well the reason behind that is because I am mute. Me and Ryan figured out that we can talk telepathically when we were five. Our mother was freaked out because Ryan would talk to me and wait for an answer then respond.
Me and my brother are not like normal twins. See we have this power. It is like we can control the stars. Well it is more like I can create meteor showers and draw constellations, but that is more like a talent. Ryan can put the constellations in the sky. You know the Big Dipper? I made that when I was four.

Renee, our mother, is the only one who knows about our powers because it comes from her side of the family. Ever heard of the Greek goddess Asteria? Well that is our great-great...millions of great grandmother. We know this because we saw her one time. We know she is watching us because someone was making fun of us this one time and the next day her face was pimply and her hair was dead. It was mean but also funny.

Ryan is the older twin, but only by one hour. He acts like a year older but I could care less. We are really close.

We look almost exactly alike. Besides of the gender. We both have brown hair, but his flops into his eyes and is messy. He is taller by a foot and is pretty muscular.

But that is not the reason why people bully us. It is because I don't talk and Ryan is my brother. But the main reason is because of our eyes. I know. Stupid right. Our eyes are unique. We have one chocolate brown eye and one grey eye. The grey comes in because of Asteria.
Getting out of bed I walked out of door to head outside. Ryan was in the truck waiting.

"Sure did take you long enough."

I rolled my eyes. Just start the car so we can get this day over with.
While driving to school I couldn't help but think something strange is going to happen today.

"Izzy. What are you thinking so hard about?" Ryan is the only one that I allow to call me Izzy.

I think something strange, or bad, or both is going to happen today.

"Well it could just be we get more people to pick on us. So nothing new."

I sighed. Knowing he was probably right. We parked in the lot and got to wait for the bell to ring.

"Hey look it is the freak twins." someone said.
I looked to the ground and felt my eyes start to water up.

Sis, don't worry about them. Lets go in the school already. I looked at him and nodded.

The hours past and it was time for lunch. I was waiting for Ryan to hurry up. I was doodling in my sketch book when someone walked by my table.

"Freak." Jessica said.


What's wrong? Ryan thought.

Nothing, where are you?

Don't worry, I'm coming.

Five seconds later he walked in and sat next to me. "Belly."

O'Ryan. That is his full name.

"Do you have any classes with the new kids?"

I shook my head no. You?

"No. But it is only half of the day."
It was only two minutes later and me and Ryan were watching me draw when the whole room went silent. Not bothering to look up we kept looking at my drawing.

"I don't know Bella," Ryan whispered, "I think the last star should come right-"

Ryan? I didn't get an answer.


Bella...look at the table to our right. I did what I was told and the pencil I was holding snapped. Five beautiful people were at the table next to us.

One of the girls looked like a model. She had honey blonde wavy hair and though she was sitting down still looked tall. The other girl looked more like a pixie. She was really short and her black hair was in a pixie cut. One of the boys looked liked he worked out a lot and had black short curly hair. The other boy seemed like he was in pain but he was fairly slim but muscular. The last boy was by far, in my opinion, the most beautiful. He had bronze messy hair and slightly muscular. But the most weird thing about them was their gold eyes.

Gold. Gold eyes. Ryan why does that sound so familiar? Did Granny A say something about that?

It does sound familiar. I don't know. Maybe she will visit us tonight?

I shrugged. Grandma Asteria stopped by whenever in our dreams.
I looked back over to the table and saw the bronzed hair one looking at us with confusion then anger. He whispered something to his family and they all turned to us. I looked back at my drawing.

Great they were only here half of the day and we already have new enemies.

Ryan rolled his eyes and nudged me. I looked at him and he motioned to the door. We gathered our stuff and left the cafeteria.
We stopped outside of my classroom.

"See you in gym." I nodded.

I walked in my class and took my normal seat. Nobody sat with me because 1) I was smarter than everyone in this class and 2) no one liked me. But that is fine by me.

The room started to flood in and Mr. Barner walked in before the last student. Believe it or not it was bronze boy. The whole class stopped talking when they saw him.

"You must be Edward Cullen. I am Mr. Barner. I hope you will like it in this class. You will be sitting with Isabella Swan."

Edward. Such an old fashion name. But I like it.

Edward walked up to the seat next to me and when he sat down he suddenly stiffens and covers his nose and mouth. Wonder what his problem is.

The whole class passed like this. Me never making eye contact and just keeping my eyes on the board.
The bell finally rung and Edward dashed out of the room before anyone was out of their seat.

What a jerk!

"What's your problem?" Ryan asked from outside of the classroom."

I told him about what happened in Biology and Ryan didn't look happy.

Just try to ignore him for the most part.

Gym class was the worst by far. Not only were we extremely clumsy but this is when people can push us down with it being mistaken by the sport.
When it was done our arm were covered with bruises.

"Ouch. Man this hurts." Ryan said while rolling his shoulder. I nodded.
We walked out of the school towards the lot. In there I noticed a new shiny silver Volvo.

Nice car!

I rolled my eyes at his comment. He can be such a guy sometimes. When we got to our truck Ryan opened the door for me and started to drive home.


Yeah the first Chapter! Don't forget to Vote and comment!!😊

Next update should be next Saturday.

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