Chapter 11

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Lily Collins as Ryan's girlfriend


Edward's fingers played with my hair as I was curled up in his arms. He could tell something was wrong, so he didn't say much. I'm just pondering over what Ryan told me

She's related to Hades.

THE Hades. God of the Underworld, Hades. I couldn't believe that.

But, apparently​ it's true.

Ryan said that he wants me to meet her tomorrow. But, I have yet to tell him that we have to tell the Cullens what we are.

I heard the front door close, and footsteps stomping up the stairs.

Bella, I'm coming in.

No don't! I froze against Edward, and he noticed.

"Bella, what's wrong?" He murmured.

Is that Cullen!? What is he doing in your room?

Moving away from Edward, I walked to the door. Closing it behind me, I faced my brother.

Why the hell is he in your room? His face was almost red in anger.

Ry calm down. We aren't doing anything, I promise

He scoffed, and rolled his eyes. Whatever. Are you still up for meeting Stephenie?

Yeah....and I think it's time that the Cullens know that were different. Asteria said it was time.

He gave me a doubtful look. They might not believe us you know.

I shrugged. Then, I guess we just have to show them what we can do.

He agreed, and went down to his room.

I better not hear anything, Isabella!

Groaning, I rolled my eyes at him. He needs to stop being so overprotective. I can take care of myself.


The next morning, before Edward left, I "asked" if Ryan could come after I had met everyone. He was confused, but after he realized it was important, he agreed.

After a kiss goodbye, he left the house.

At this moment, I'm waiting for Ryan to return with his girlfriend. He asked if I could be nice, but I said no promises.

But, I'll be nice.

Soon, the loud truck entered the drive way. I could slightly hear them talking, behind the door. It slowly opened, and a girl entered in first.

Stephenie is about a few inches taller than me, with dark hair. Like our eyes, hers are completely grey.

"You must be Bella," Stephenie said, sweetly. She had on a smile— without a hint of evil— and held out her hand.

Nodding, I shook her hand, and returned her smile. Looking at Ryan, I asked: Does she know sign?

He gave me a nod.

Nice to meet you too, Stephenie. Are you really related to Hades?

She chuckled. "Yeah. I am. But, he not as bad as you think. He actually really cool."

We talked for a few minutes, learning more about each other. Turns out that she is not an only child. She has a older brother that she rarely sees because he is in the military. Unlike us, Stephenie is one of the unlucky ones who didn't get powers. It's not uncommon, just very rare.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door. Before I could get up, Ryan answered it. He talked quietly with the other person, but let them in.

Edward was on the other side. Ryan was almost red with anger, but Edward was smirking at something he said.

"Bella, are you ready?" He asked. Getting up from the couch, I said goodbye to Stephenie and turned to Ryan.

In a few hours, follow me. Okay?

He nodded. Edward and I left the house soon after.

"You and your brother have great communicating skills—even for twins. It seems like he knows what you're​ saying," he said when we got in the car.

Laughing, I thought: You have no idea.

About ten minutes later, Edward pulled up to this huge mansion. He stopped the car in front of the house, and got out.

Edward helped me out​ of the car, and started to walk to the door. Stopping, I made him turn to me.

What if they don't like me? I signed.

Giving me one of his crooked smile, he said, "So you're not worried that you'll be in a house full of vampires, but if they'll like you or not?"

I shrugged. Shaking his head at me, we continued up the stairs.

On the other side, I saw a young woman with caramel color hair, and gold eyes. This must be Mrs. Cullen.

"Hello Bella. It's great to finally meet you," she said to me. Her cold hand shook mine.

It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Cullen. You have a wonderful home. I smiled at her.

She gave me one back. "Call me Esme, sweetheart."

Edward soon took me away from her, and showed me around the house. He showed me his piano room, Carlisle's​office, and his history.

"You must be the Bella Swan I've been hearing about," said a deep voice. Behind me was a blonde male with gold eyes. 

Shaking his hand, I greeted him back. It's nice too meet you too, Carlisle.

Carlisle looked at Edward for a good five seconds, then smiled back at me. I heard Edward whisper something, but I couldn't catch what it was.

Isabella, whispered a voice. If you are planning on telling them, do it quickly. O'Ryan is already on his way.

Asteria? Where are you? Why have you been MIA for the past week? Edward and Carlisle are still talking, not really paying attention to me.

I can't say, Isabella. But, things are not really going great where I am right now.


Hello. It's me.

What the hell is up with Asteria? Is something up with the Gods/Goddesses?

I can't tell ya.

Question for you readers: would you read if I made a different paring with Bella? Ex: BellaxAlice BellaxEmmett.

If so, what paring? I would be fine with whatever.

But I'm thinking about making a BellaxAlice.

And if you haven't noticed, I have a new book. It's called Magical. Check it out.


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