Chapter 4. 'I blame it on my own sick pride'

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                        I heard pots falling from my kitchen. I heard someone mumble 'fuck' and start to put them away. I grabbed my toss blanket and climbed out of bed. I wrapped it around me and walked to the kitchen. Liam was putting some stuff away. "Liam?" My voice was deep and very scratchy. I hate my morning voice so much. "Morning beautiful" Liam smiled. I rolled my eyes and jumped onto the couch. "Why are you messing with the pots?" "I wasn't trying to get the pots out. I was trying to find a pan to make you eggs. So I found one, but then when I tried to take it out pots fell out too" Liam shrugged and cracked an egg over the pan. "I'm not hungry" I groaned. "You're gonna eat! My cooking isn't that bad" Liam pouted. "I never said your cooking was bad babe" I laughed softly. "Good. But, will you eat the eggs I make" Liam pouted again. "Fine" I sighed. "Yay" Liam cheered.

                        I smiled at his cuteness and got off the couch. I walked up behind Liam and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt Liam shiver and I smirked. "Will you get off of me? It's very awkward with us both in boxers right now" Liam awkwardly laughed. "I think it's pretty sexy" I kept smirking and kissed up and down Liam's neck. "Do you really" I felt Liam take my hands off his waist. He held them in his and held them on his chest. "Mhm" I hummed on his neck. I started to nip at his neck, leaving little love bites. Each time Liam either groaned or told me to knock it off. 

                               I moved away from Liam and loosened his hands from mine. "I like you" Liam giggled. "I like food" I winked. Liam frowned and went back to making eggs. I sat down at the counter and watched Liam. I focused on his hands. They moved slowly as he flipped each egg. One at a time. Slowly and steady. His wrist moved with his hand with every movement. Nothing like Zayn. I got back up to mess with Liam again. "I swear to god, if you touch me I will smack you with this fucking pan" Liam spat.

                   "You wouldn't do that" I smirked and wrapped my arms around his waist again, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Niall" Liam groaned trying to move away. I moved my hands to his chest. I then used my finger to trail down his chest and it lightly trailed down his dick. Liam closed his eyes and I once again, smirked. I love how I can make him feel so small. "You like that, hmm" I whispered in Liam's ear. He slowly nodded. "How about this" I palmed Liam's dick with the back of my hand. Liam let out a loud groan. I did it again, but harder. "F-Fuck" Liam groaned.

                   I was about to do it again but then I remembered Liam was cooking something. I backed away from Liam and he opened his eyes. I sat back down at the counter and waited for my breakfast.


                           Liam kept trying to hold my hand as we walked in the mall. It was pretty awkward but I never let him win. I followed Liam into some store. He grabbed my arm to make sure I didn't loose him. In the last store I stayed about 10 feet away from Liam and he got all bitchy about it. Liam then stopped at some CD rack. He flipped through them.

                         I saw one of Zayn's CDs when he was looking and I smiled to myself. "Why you smiling" Liam raised an eyebrow. I pointed to Zayn's CD. "He's dead you know" Liam picked up the CD. I slowly nodded. "He's a good looking guy though" Liam laughed. "I think he's perfect" I said softly. "Seems like Niall has a crush on an dead guy" Liam smirked. I shook my head and looked down. I bit my lip roughly. "I'm sorry" Liam said, while reading the back of the CD. I looked back up at Liam. "It's fine. It's just.." I tried to find the words to say without telling him about Zayn and I. "I was a big fan of him when he was alive. I was a awkward fanboy" I shrugged. Liam chuckled. I slightly smiled. Liam put the CD back and then kept looking for a different one. I sighed loudly and looked around the store.

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