Chapter Four - Occupational Hazard

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                                                                  Chapter Four

                                                            Occupational Hazard

     Liam carrying me was incredibly uncomfortable. He kept talking to me with his face just inches from mine. I’d take walking with an injured leg through snow over this if I could. He refused to sit me down and insisted on flying with us to the medical office in the main building. I know he was just trying to be a good guy, yet I could tell he was being overly friendly. He sat right next to me on the ship, his arm resting on the back of my seat. When we arrived at the main building he carried me without permission, even though Joe and a few others from the building came out to help me because apparently Morgan called in my injury. I was, embarrassingly, put on a hospital-like bed.

     “Your mother has been pacing the halls the second she heard it was you coming in. I had to tell her that I needed her to get you some juice just to keep her from bursting through those doors,” Joe told me as he began cleaning the area.

     I laughed, picturing my mom racing down the hall in search for a cup of orange juice. “Thanks for that. I’ll have to deal with her eventually, though.”

     He nodded with a grin. “She’ll give you an earful.”

     “Just wait until Jack hears about this.”

     Joe’s eyes widened. “I bet his reaction will be about as entertaining as your mother’s.”

     I winced when he began to stitch up my leg. “When do you think I’ll be able to run again?” I asked, changing the subject.

     He raised an eyebrow at the question. “Hmm… You probably shouldn’t walk for at least a week. You’ll have to keep your foot elevated. I have some medication that is supposed to speed up the healing process. I honestly have no clue if it actually does.”

     Joe has had to adjust to a new medical techniques and medication here on Renton. I’ve been both proud and highly impressed with how dedicated he’s been in learning about the Twiad anatomy and medical practice. Unfortunately, he’s only read one of possibly dozens of books on health and medication. Mom has been right there with him, helping him get through each book while learning about it all herself. She’s been his cheerleader, assistant, and even teacher when she quizzes him on certain topics. It’s amusing to see her suddenly give him a pop quiz.

     “How’d you get injured?” he asked.

     I was so embarrassed about it that I momentarily thought about lying and telling him something more exciting. But Liam has probably spread it around what happened anyway. “I fell through some rotted flooring.”

     “Well, I definitely didn’t imagine that.”

     Before I could ask him what he thought had happened to me, my mom suddenly burst through the door with a large cup in her hand. Her eyes scanned over my leg. “Samantha…” she breathed, her hand shaking just a tad.

     “It’s not that bad,” I defended.

     She gave me a look.

     “She’s fine, Susan,” Joe confirmed with a look towards her.

     Mom handed me a glass of orange juice, making me drink every drop. “I didn’t realize your job was this dangerous. Why not work here and me and Joe?”

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