text #4

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hey. i've tried calling like a billion times but you haven't been answering. is everything all right?

hi! yes, everything is fine. i'm sorry. i've been so busy.

i thought i might have scared you off with the whole date thing. maybe my barney remix wasn't as great as i thought.

lol no. it was great, grammy-worthy even.

grammy-worthy, huh? ;)

don't let it get to your head.

lol. so what have you been busy with?

work. school. life in general.


my history program is doing a trip to europe next month and i've been working like crazy to save up for it.

a trip to europe? you never mentioned that.

it must have slipped my mind. we're traveling for a month and visiting the historical sights.

that sounds cool. so you're going to be gone for a month?

yep! i'm just working now to make sure my brother and zoe have enough money while i'm gone. chris gets disability checks too so that'll help.

sounds like a great experience... how much are you working exactly?

it feels non-stop. one call ends and another comes in.

oh, i see. maybe i can call you now since you seem to be free?

i'm actually on a call right now. i'm sorry :-(

like, right now?

yeah... sorry.

you're having phone sex with a guy while you're texting me?

no it's not phone sex. i'm just... talking to him.

like the way you used to talk to me?

i mean, he's paying me. i'm saying what he wants to hear. it's my job.

so phone sex?

i guess technically, yeah. i feel like phone sex is a bit more mutual. i'm not getting any sort of pleasure from this.

what are you guys talking about?


never mind. it's fine.

it's my job.

i wish it wasn't.

you knew this was my job. you called me months ago and this is how you met me. i still need the money. nothing has changed.

except for everything.


everything has changed.

i'm sorry. i don't know what i'm supposed to do. i need the money still.

i know you do. it just hurts to know that you have to talk to a bunch of creepy guys all the time. i wish you didn't have to.i wish you could quit. i'm not mad. i'm sad.

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