Chapter 3

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Chapter 3!

*does anyone think i am going into this all to fast? Like the story line? Please comment and tell me if i am! here ya go :)*

I went out at the regular time of 12:30 for my recess period. I began dragging a stick by the fence, as usual. But not to my surprise, I saw him again. Yes. Him. The very vague and mysterious man resting in his car. He wore sunglasses. So I quite could not tell if he was watching me or someone or something else. Perhaps he was just sleeping. I did not know.

"Does anyone see that guy over or there? I mean c'mon. " I mumbled slightly under my breath. Apparently it was not as quiet as I imagined it was because someone heard me.

"Yeah, I kinda k-know him." A voice called. I twisted my feet around abruptly. A boy stood there, peeking through the metal wires of the fence. I swear I have seen him before. I don't know where, but somewhere definitely.

"Really? He just sits there in his car everyday and watches me. Maybe someone else, I'm not really sure."

"I deliver his paper. Whenever I d-d-deliever it he sits outside on his porch. He has the w-weirdest house t-too." Now I know why he looked so familiar. This was my paper boy too. The one who always calls, "P-paper!" I obviously knew he had a very bad stutter, it was slightly agitating whenever he would speak.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Connor. Your Crystal, right? I t-think I deliver your p-paper too."

"Yes. Should we tell someone about that guy? It just seems really eerie to me..." My mind trailed off. I have heard of stories such as these. Creepy old men who will watch school children. Then apparently something very awful happens. But I never get a chance to figure out what that is because my mom will turn off the tv. She tries to shelter me from the horrors and misfortunes of the world. But I am supposedly wise. If I am so wise then I they should know I am aware of such things. Not as fully as I should be, but am.

"I'm not really sure." Well, just by Connor saying that, I was going to tell an adult. He didn't even give me a reason. I am independent enough to speak up about this.

"See you around." Then the recess bell rang. I hobbled inside to my school. I got to my first class without going to the bathroom or anything, because I was going to tell my teacher.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked my teacher. Mrs. Wexler was the nicest teacher I have had in years. She was sure to understand.

"Sure. What is it?" She stopped shuffled her papers and looked me in the eyes. My palms immediately got sweaty. I could feel sweat drip from my forehead

"Crystal? What's wrong?" She could see the anxiety in my eyes.

"Okay. Well, there's been this guy who sits in his car at recess and watches everyone. Or maybe just me. Or maybe just someone else. I don't know."

"Hm. I'll see what I can do. Thank you for telling me." She gave me a friendly smile.

I knew it. I knew Mrs. Wexler would understand.

*Thanks for reading! Stay posted!*

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