Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

*hey! I meant to say this before but a f.y.i for you if you didn't understand----

When Connor talks and it says : H-hey or c-c-cool or something among those lines (the dash and the first letter of the word) it is referring to his stutter! That is the easiest way to type it in context ( for me at least).

*And if ANYONE, I mean anyone. Ever has a question about ANY of my stories please just comment or message me! If your confused or anything please ask!*

A few days past, and nothing had changed at recess. The same old, creepy fellow keep waiting. Watching. For what? Like I said, I do not know. I found this peculiar not just because it was strange but shouldn't this all have stopped by now? I firmly confirmed to Mrs. Wexler that this was occurring. I did not imagine it. I gathered up all my courage and told her.

Perhaps I should have given a specific description. Though nothing would be good enough. He just wore simple black sunglasses. He sat in his green car. And always wore a knit hat. His arms were always crossed too.

"Mrs. Wexler?" I ran in from recess earlier then usual. I needed to confront this now and figure out what was going on.

"Yes, Crystal?"

"Remember what I told you? About that thing? Remember? Please, please say you remember." I found myself hands clasped together begging for her to recall. I didn't know why I had become to desperate about this situation. I guess I was just sick and tired of worrying about this when it was not my problem. Or maybe I was just scared that something may happen to St. Thomas or a student or even me.

"Oh yes. I wanted to speak to you once more about that. You see, honey, that man is a member of parish here at St. Thomas. Mrs. Garcia, the principle, informed me of this. He enjoys watching you children at recess. Since there has never been anything but the one recess monitor overseeing you all, he volunteered to help. That's all, just a misunderstanding."

I sighed a heavy sigh of relief. Phew. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders at that exact moment. I could finally breathe my own breath again. Thank God I didn't tell my mom about this either. To be honest, I'm not going to say I didn't consider it. But then she would have had a canary. And then if I told her that it was all a "misunderstanding" , oh I'd be punished beyond belief for thinking something "so dumb." My mom can be harsh at times with things like this. But! Things like this did not really occur.

Connor was in the hallway between classes the next day. He carried a toppling pile of books. But then some muscular, tough looking kid tripping him. His tower of supplies tumbled onto the floor.

"Here, I've got it." I rushed to the rescue. He bent down awkwardly next to me. We both fumbled for the books at the same time, our heads almost clashing against each together. I loaded them into his fragile arms.

"Sorry, he's k-kind of a jerk." I came up to his eyes. They were a very unique shade of green. Like a green meadow tone.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." His hair was slightly curly, but not to wild or untamed. Unlike the typical dorky type, Connor didn't wear glasses. He didn't look to shabby in that uniform either.

"Hey, whatever happened to that guy?" He asked.

"Mrs. Wexler said he is just a parishioner. He tries to help out at recess by watching the students. So it was just nothing really." I shrugged. He gave me a perplexed look.

I questioned, " What?"

"Nothing. T-that just seems a little odd to me. Ya, know? I-I-Imean really think about it."

I ended the conversation quickly and got to class. What does he know, anyways? Connor is just a seventh grade boy. He probably doesn't even have a brain in that hollow head of his.

*I think this will go a long way on Wattpad! Keep reading fans! *

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