part two

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The four of them woke up the next morning to the sound of the alarm on Freya's phone ringing loudly. Vicky was the first awake, blinking at her surroundings as she remembered where she was. She shivered suddenly, and looked down, wondering why she was so cold. After a glance at Freya, she groaned, looking at her friend bundled up in all of the sheets on their bed. 'Freya, will you turn that off, you're closer,' she mumbled, her voice croaky with sleep.

Freya didn't respond, and Vicky sighed, knowing that she was only pretending to be asleep, she was legitimately the lightest sleeper that she knew. 'Alright. You asked for it,' she said suddenly, before sitting up and letting herself fall back on Freya, lying directly on top of her. Freya squealed suddenly beneath the covers, struggling to get free, but Vicky kept her ground. 'Not until you turn that alarm off, I know you've got your phone under the bed.'

'Why's she got her phone under the bed?' Nathan called out suddenly, and she glanced up to see the two boys looking up at her, the two of them sitting up in bed. Well, Nathan was looking up at her, Eli simply raised an eyebrow before he turned back to whatever he was doing on his own phone. 'You guys are awake?' She asked, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks. Freya felt her freeze slightly and managed to finally push her off, head emerging from underneath all the sheets.

'Couldn't you guys've just turned it off?' Vicky sighed, and the two of them exchanged grins. 'I guess, but I mean, it got you up didn't it?' Nathan told her, as he watched Freya reach for her phone under the bed, taking it off charge hurriedly and unlocking her phone, the alarm turning off along with it. 'And we were kind of enjoying watching you struggle,' Eli added, and Vicky stuck her tongue out at him as he pulled the sheets back and got out of bed. He simply blew her a kiss in return before heading into the bathroom to get changed.

Now Vicky was sure that she was blushing. 'Where are we going for breakfast then?' She asked hurriedly, changing the subject.


They ended up in a small American diner across the road, four of them sitting at a booth by the window. Freya ordered bacon and eggs, and the rest of them ordered a bacon sandwich, sipping on coffee as they waited for it to arrive. When they had all asked for coffee, Vicky had pulled the waitress aside a moment.

'Make her one decaf,' she muttered quietly, pointing at Freya, and the waitress had nodded in a seeming understanding. Freya had a tendency to down coffee like water, and Vicky didn't want her having another caffeine overdose like she sometimes did. Luckily, Freya seemed as oblivious as ever as she sipped at it, smiling at Vicky when she caught her looking at her.

Conversation was there, but limited, as none of them really seemed to be 'morning people', although everyone seemed considerably more awake once they'd finished their coffees, and breakfast. They all got to their feet, and Nathan had pulled a couple of notes out of his wallet and thrown them on the table, nodding at the waitress as they left.

Once they were all back in the car, Elijah set off again, Vicky turning the car radio on. 'Do you even know where we're going?' She asked as they pulled back onto the highway, watching out of her window as the houses faded into greenery. 'Vaguely.' He told her, raising an eyebrow. 'Besides, if we get lost, i'm sure you could direct us with the map that you're using as a footstool there,' he continued, gesturing across to where Vicky's feet were back on the dashboard, propped up on top of the map.

'I've got a little surprise anyway,' he commented mysteriously, and Vicky's head quickly turned to glance at him. 'Surprise? What surprise?' She asked curiously, and he smiled at the road in front of him. 'You'll see.'

Eli's 'little' surprise turned out to be quite the opposite. 'The beach!' Freya had called, face practically pressed against the window, as she watched the water outside. Elijah must be magic, Vicky thought as she glanced out of the window, because he really had picked the perfect day to take them there. The ocean was a calm, waveless turquoise, washing up on the sand with a satisfying whooshing noise. There were palm trees surrounding it, as well as other trees and bushes, and somehow, it even seemed relatively empty.

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