part three

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Vicky was the first one to wake up this time. She'd glanced down at Elijah, who still had an arm wrapped protectively around her waist, his head in his pillow. She'd even looked over at the double bed across from them and almost snorted. Freya and Nathan were both lying stretched out, Freya's head on his chest, their sheets discarded somewhere on the floor. 'What're you making those noises for?' Eli mumbled suddenly, finally lifting his head from the pillow. Vicky had raised an eyebrow at his even-messier hair and tired eyes, but pointed a finger across at Freya and Nathan.

'I hope they didn't do it while we were asleep in the bed next to them.' He commented, and Vicky burst out laughing. 'Oh my god, don't say that, that's disgusting,' she grinned, picking up her pillow and whacking it against Eli's head. Eli sat up straight away, grabbing one of his own pillows and hitting her straight back. They suddenly seemed to be in some kind of pillow war, attacking each-other back and forth before Eli managed to pull the pillow out of her hands, much to her protest and tossed it down the bottom of the bed.

He swung a leg over her so he was straddling her, but also preventing her from getting up. 'Alright, alright, you win,' Vicky cried, pushing at his chest so he would get off her. 'Not so quickly.' He grinned, his eyes sparkling before he leant down and pressed a kiss to her lips, finger-tips running down the side of her arm and making Vicky shiver.

When he moved back and got to his feet he pulled her up too so she was standing next to him. 'Change quickly, and we can go get breakfast,' he told her, spinning her around and gently pushing her in the direction of the bathroom, dumping her bag in her arms. 'And talk.' He added quickly, just before Vicky disappeared into the bathroom.

She was quick getting dressed, pulling off her skirt and top and changing into a pair of blue shorts and a tank top instead. When she finally looked up at the mirror she groaned, taking in the lipstick on her chin, and her mascara smudged eyes. She pulled a makeup-wipe out of her bag and began to expertly fix her face up. There wasn't really enough time for her to put on a lot of makeup, but she dabbed concealer under her eyes, ran a brush through her hair and applied a little more mascara. She grabbed her phone from where she'd discarded it in the front of her bag. Quarter past eight. It was practically still night-time.

When she was certain that she looked decent enough to appear in public, she swung the door open, pulling her bag with her.

Elijah was already dressed and ready, and had managed to fix up his hair and even spray a little cologne on, the lemon one that Vicky loved so much. He looked up at her and smiled. 'There's a Starbucks just down the road.' He said a tone quieter than usual, probably so that he wouldn't wake Freya and Nathan. The two of them headed out the door, Elijah taking the keys, and Vicky closing the door carefully behind them.

It was a little walk down the road, and just as they were out of the grounds of the motel, Eli slipped his hand into Vicky's, squeezing it lightly. She glanced down at it, but didn't say anything, and neither did he. 'So where are we going today?' She asked, half because she was curious, and half because she wanted to fill the silence that seemed to be spreading out between them.

'Well.' He started, using his left hand to run his fingertips through his hair. 'We'll move on through Iowa, and probably cover a little bit of Minnesota before we're back home in Wisconsin. So i'm guessing we won't be back any later than midnight.' She nodded slowly as she listened. 'Y'know. I'm gonna miss Nathan's car with it's bad paint job and shitty air-con.' She admitted, and Elijah laughed, squeezing her hand again.

'We'll do this again sometime.' He promised, before looking up at the Starbucks building that was quickly approaching. He opened the door for Vicky, dropping her hand so he could pass through himself. As they walked up to the counter, he raised an eyebrow at Vicky in question. 'Caramel frap,' she answered, glancing up at the board to see if there were any interesting specials.

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