The Crimson Claymore: Glossary

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(In order of appearance)

Zylek: (Zi-leck)

channel of energy - A wooden or metal staff, crafted to control magic that wants to release from the body of a wizard or warlock.

Adueur: (A-due-r)

Purple flowers, helpful with healing, rare ones are deep blue with green lining near the stem and are more potent for healing.

Klitheaur: (K-lith-aur)

A weed that grows generously in the northern cities, used for healing and relaxation when smoked with tobacco in a pipe.


A board game much like chess, but more detailed with different types of warriors to take the field.

Ammoresh: (A-more-shh)

Green leaf, Mix it with water and crush to lightly slather over external wounds.

Snaothoeth: (Sn-a-o-th-oath)

Red leaf. Mix it with wine and feed to somebody for healing internal wounds.

Enneth: (N-Eth)

Blue leaf. Mix with pipe tobacco to prevent fatigue before a battle.

Camorea: (Ca-more-uh)

Purple leaf. Mix a small amount with pipe tobacco to relax you after a battle and numb injuries.

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