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25th DECEMBER, 2016


taking hold of her sticky notes, tae eun leaves her seat to join the line. in front of her, fans are eagerly presenting their gifts to the 7 boys, a stark contrast to what tae eun has prepared.

whispers regarding one of the biggest fansites, eternal summer's, behaviours are evident. but tae eun blocks them all and tightens her hold on the few sticky notes.

as she passes the other members, she finds her heart pounding, knowing who is at the end of table.

breathe, tae eun. breathe.

and when she finally reaches him, jeon jeongguk, she slides the notes across the table. the things written neatly on them are nothing surprising — just questions and messages she was asked by fans to convey. 

as with all fans, jeongguk glances up, his gaze softening almost at once.

"... hey." he says in a barely audible voice. moves on to answer the short questions.

when she doesn't reply, he continues, "why do you look so sad today?"

deep breaths, tae eun. deep breaths.

"because i'm closing the fansite."

it's crazy how such simple words manage to send his heart plummeting a thousand feet. the words tug at his insides, twisting them in every way possible. and for a moment, jeongguk forgets how to breathe. 

forgets how to write.

but he remembers that night.


"are you sure about this?"

standing behind the young man, tae eun swung her arms idly as she watched on. jeongguk was crouched with a wooden branch in hand, seemingly extremely focused on fixing the abandoned train cars. before tae eun could continue, a low groaning sounded before the entire amusement park lit up and the memorable 'welcome!' came from the distance. 

without any hesitation, jeongguk grabbed her arm and led her to the seats. her heart nearly swells at the familiarity. reaching over tae eun, he buckled her up before pulling the barrier over himself as well. a few seconds prior to the start of the ride, tae eun found her hand wrapped tightly in his.

she could have told him that she wasn't afraid of rollercoaster rides anymore. she could have shrugged his hand away. she could have stopped the rising heartache. 

but she didn't. she didn't want to

as they travelled backwards just like the previous time, tae eun changed to interlocking their fingers instead. if jeongguk was surprised, he didn't show it. 

if anything, he tightened his hold.

and as they reached the peak again, the breath-taking city lights greeted them, along with first snow. white flakes that drift slowly, dreamily, landing softly on rooftops and the streets. this high up, the both of them could almost smell the incoming winter. 

"do you remember?"

jeongguk looked at her. "huh?"

"you used to say wishes that are made here always come true." she smiled. 

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