Chapter 12: The Next Phase

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"Kenna, Ewan, oh my god!" Grace called out when we emerged. She came rushing over and enveloped me in a huge, crushing bear hug. "We have been so worried about you, are you alright?"

I coughed as she strangled me a bit. "I am, but I won't be if you keep your grip that tight!"

"Don't care, never letting go," she said as she continued to squeeze me. I relaxed into her warmth a little as I remembered how tired I felt. I peeked over her shoulder to see Ewan grinning at my plight, and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm fine too," he offered dryly.

"You want to join the hug?" Grace teased, throwing out one arm to him.

"Not sure if I'd survive it," he said, trying to move out of the way, but she reeled him in and squished him against us.

"How is someone so small so strong?" He complained, then looked down at me sandwiched between his chest and Grace. "Oh hi Kenna, you look comfortable."

I was not. His body was like a brick wall, and Grace still had a determined arm around my neck. "Actually, I'm living my dream of being caught in a vise," I answered sarcastically. "Are you made of carbon fibre?"

He grinned down at me. "I'm going to take that as a compliment."

It was then that Grant and Lexa apparently decided that this looked like fun and they dogpiled on, knocking us all over onto the steps in a jumbled pile. I may be tougher than your average human, but it was enough to knock the wind out of me a little, while we all lay there laughing. Sweet, laid back Stu who hadn't leapt onto the pile sat down with us in solidarity anyhow.

"Aw, what'd I miss?" Seb's voice came from above us.

"Get down here, mister," Grace called back. "We were worried about you too!"

"Those Supers had a couple questions about what happened before they got there so I was happy to help." It sounded a little rehearsed to my ears, but nobody else seemed to notice, and why would they? They had no reason to suspect anything else.

"Where's Tristan?" I asked, suddenly noticing his absence.

"Oh, he left before the Villains showed up, actually," Ewan spoke up. "He told me thanks for the champagne but he really had to go do some work."

"He's gonna be so mad he missed this," Grant said gleefully. "Lexa and Kenna, even you have to admit that was pretty cool."

Lexa looked at me quizzically. "Is that the word you'd use, Kenna?"

"Well, I have a more extensive vocabulary than Grant," I shot back.

"Why do I bother?" he muttered.

"Because you're a perennial optimist, dear." I used Ewan's brick wall chest as leverage to push myself up and pinch Grant's cheek.

"Kenna, how is your elbow that sharp?" Ewan protested mildly.

"Natural defences?" I suggested, moving off of him while he chuckled.

"Well, now that we're all here and safe, I think I need to go home," said Grace sitting up and stretching. "I feel like I could maybe sleep for a week and, also, that my ears might be bleeding."

"Yeah what the hell was up with that scream? That was the worst." Lexa added.

"Guys, we got trapped in a forcefield today!" Grant enthused.

The conversation continued along these lines until we all finally dispersed to our various homes.

Seb started up the conversation I was dreading when we were halfway back to the apartment.

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