twenty one // and the four right chords could make me cry

103K 7.7K 1.8K

"Mina, Mina, Bo-bina, Rina, Rina, So-Sina, Mina, Gina, Mina... Mina!"

"That's literally not how it goes at all. Seriously."

"I think you're wrong. I think that's exactly how it goes. And I think you're just trying to trick me in my inebriated state but guess what? It's not working. I'm way too smart for you."

"Shouldn't you be partying or something?"

"I'm sorry I'm totally not too smart for you, I'm a dumbass, I take it back. I take it all back. Please take me back."

"I just mean, shouldn't you be having fun and stuff? Not on the phone? Living your youth or whatever? Not concerned about what really lame things Mina's doing tonight?"

"Well, you did it. You totally called me. You were all like 'Oh, Parker, I miss you so much! You're my favourite person ever! How are your biceps so big?'. I mean, if I do recall."

"You don't recall, like, at all. That's totally not how it went."

"Okay, so I embellished a little. Whatever, basically the same thing. Although- oh shit, wait, are you at your comedy thing? Am I interrupting you?"

"Parker, it's 2 in the morning."

"... Wow, you are so right."

"I usually am, I don't know why you sound so surprised everytime we go over it."

"So not only are you a dog person, but you can also tell time! Wow, you're like, the total package."

"It's actually 2:14."

"I thought we talked about you not giving me boners anymore."

"You are such a loser. Also, repeating that I'm a dog person over and over isn't actually going to make me a dog person, you know. That's not how that works."

"I know, it's just, you're so awesome, but not being a dog person, it kind of like hinders your awesomeness. I'm just helping you out here. I'm looking out for you."

"Wow, you're so kind. Thanks, Parker. What would I do without you?"

"Die, I think."

"That's a mighty high opinion of yourself, you've got there."

"Aren't you the one that said confidence is sexy?"

"Shouldn't you be using that great advice right now? What are you even doing?"

"I'm sitting on the curb outside waiting for Kevin to realize that girls do not think his comprehensive knowledge of Godzilla is sexy. I'd like to say it'll be about twenty more minutes, but honestly, that might be a bit hopeful."

"Really? That sounds pretty sexy to me."

"Godzilla has two offspring- Manilla, who first appeared in 1967's Son of Godzilla, and Godzilla Junior who appeared in 1993's Gozdilla vs. Mechagodzilla."

"You're ridiculous."

"But now it's in a sexy way, so it's okay. I've been best friends with him for years, I could do this all night. Ask me about Mothra. Rodan. No wait- Anguirus. "

"I've already been impressed, but you're sure you're not gonna go in there and give Kevin a run for his money?"

"Nah, I'm okay. Besides."

"Besides what?"

"Well, I'd rather be talking to you anyways."

"You're so drunk."

"Yeah, but I wish I was with-"

"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you, you're mumbling."

"Nothing important, anyway, I think I see Kevin. Goodnight, Mina. Talk to you later."

"All right, night, Parker."


i did research for this chapter, okay? research.

also we hit 100K and #3 what what! celebration!

Once Upon a Bathroom StallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora