wait for me

218 56 18

wait for me

at the old radio shack

where this place cannot 

hack the beauty of our love.

the beauty of us...? but

why do we always have 

to fuss on this bus

where the people's faces

look upon at us as if

we were crazed actors

in a play?

but hey! you never

wanted me.

but you wanted this, 

this ideal image of the


sometimes you

cant even say "i love you"

without it stinging your

tongue like it burns

like liquor going down 

your bitter throat.

so you would quote

something romantic 

you'd say it all frantic

as if you were on antics.

but i'd stare at you

with worry...

as you'd stare at me with


and always and always

i would think...

would you ever

wait for me...?

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