pauvre coeur

221 56 27

Oh My,

pauvre coeur.

she had a poor heart.

but she was smart,

to smell a dart

aiming for her heart.

we would make a chart

for what we loved about each other.

and it wouldn't bother

me that she would say

i was cruel

and I was decided I was a fool

to think i would keep her pauvre coeur


While she was needing the true love

she deserved

I was bleeding for the true

meaning of love

It was simple:

because I could no longer 

see her dimples.

she wasn't happy.

And for the past year, 

all I wanted was 

to see happiness

...the way my mother

use to feed me with her dimples

and she said it was simple...

that she'd always love me,

above and beyond...but there was a catch

for her infinite love:

"you shall never become...your father."


...and you see, that's what i'll 

always be; in her eyes.

That i'll never rise

so, you see, that kind of love


When I first met you

i knew i'd gun for your heart, 

when really, i should of gunned 

for mine a long

time ago.

Oh my pauvre coeur. 

I've must of mistaken you...

for me

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