Step 1: Understanding the Term "Black Lives Matter"

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Before we advance any further, we'd like to set the record straight: Black Lives Matter does not mean superiority, but equality. Yeah that's right, we're talking to you All Lives Matter supporters, no shade intended. So tell us, if ALL lives really do matter, how come black people are constantly being oppressed in the society, publicly or not. If all lives really did matter, then black people wouldn't have the need to protest, and this hashtag or even this campaign would probably never have existed.

But they do.

So here's the thing: ALL lives do not yet matter until black lives finally do.

Again, we're not imposing the superiority of any race above another. Yes, everybody matters, every life counts, but we have to stop crowding our minds in ignorance and finally stand up to defend an incredibly threatened race. It isn't a discriminatory movement. All lives do matter, but all lives are not under attack right now.

In simpler, representative terms as to what we stated above (credit goes to @Himosexual on Twitter)

Jordan is a homeless guy. Every other homeless guy gets a home except Jordan. Jordan says, "Jordan deserves a home."

Every other homeless guy responds with, "Everybody needs a home!" while getting their homes.

Even though everyone deserves a home is a true statement, it does nothing to actually rectify the fact that JORDAN HAS NO HOME!

We hope you all now truly understand the term "Black Lives Matter" and for those that still don't, here's the simplest representation that we can give you right now: Emojis.

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