
1.5K 59 12

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(785) 124-1979: Hey, you okay, Cas?

CastielNovak: Yeah, just peachy.

(785) 124-1979: You sure?

(785) 124-1979: Because you look pretty mad right now.

CastielNovak: That's all because of that stupid Zachariah.

(785) 124-1979: What's wrong? Did he do something to you?

CastielNovak: Yes, i got a bad grade because of that idiot.

(785) 124-1979: Woah! How did he manage to do that?

CastielNovak: Well, we got partnered up to do a stupid presentation together in stupid french class. Like always, i did all the stupid work while he did nothing.

(785) 124-1979: That's a whole lot of stupid in one sentence, Cas.

CastielNovak: Yes, you got a problem with that, stupid?

(785) 124-1979: No, no, i was just mentioning it, so do continue with your story.

CastielNovak: Well, today was the day when we had our presentation and as soon as it was our turn, it turns out that he didn't know his text because he didn't feel like memorizing it.

(785) 124-1979: Woah, serious?

CastielNovak: Yes and then later on, he didn't even apologize.

(785) 124-1979: What a douche.

CastielNovak: I know right.

CastielNovak: And now i'm stressed out because of that stupid grade that i didn't deserve.

(785) 124-1979: Don't worry too much about it, it's just one bad grade. You'll probably get a better grade next time.

(785) 124-1979: After all, you're a very smart guy.

CastielNovak: Thanks, Stranger. I really needed to hear that.

(785) 124-1979: No problem, so what's your grade?

CastielNovak: Swear you won't laugh.

(785) 124-1979: I swear i won't.

CastielNovak: I got a 7,5 for my presentation.

CastielNovak: Hello? You still there?

CastielNovak: Earth to Stranger, you there?

(785) 124-1979: Oh God, Cas. Serious, you got a freaking 7,5!

CastielNovak: See this is why i didn't want to tell you, because it's such a bad grade.

(785) 124-1979: I don't think it's a bad grade, it is just surprising that you think that a 7,5 is a bad grade.

CastielNovak: But it's.

(785) 124-1979: I can assure you that a 7,5 is a good grade. Seriously, i long to get such a good grade one day.

CastielNovak: But it's just different for me.

(785) 124-1979: How so?

CastielNovak: Because it just is.

(785) 124-1979: See, you can't even come up with a good reason.

CastielNovak: Shut up.

(785) 124-1979: Aww, is someone blushing?

CastielNovak: Pff, i'm not blushing at all. I'm a man.

(785) 124-1979: You know lying is a sin, Cas.

CastielNovak: I'm not lying.

(785) 124-1979: Oh really? 

(785) 124-1979: Because if i'm correct and my eyes aren't deceiving me, your face is red.

CastielNovak: No, it's not.

(785) 124-1979: Yes, it's.

Cas was just casually sitting at a table in the canteen with his friends. Suddenly, he sat as straighter than ever because he had a sudden realization. His friends casted him weird looks when he made that sudden movement.

CastielNovak: Wait!

(785) 124-1979: What?

CastielNovak: You said that you can see me at the moment, right?

(785) 124-1979: Yeah, so?

CastielNovak: Which means you've a break right now.

(785) 124-1979: No, i don't.

CastielNovak: Yes, you do.

CastielNovak: You can see me which means you've a break right now, which means you're a senior, because we have different breaks than the others.

(785) 124-1979: No, i'm not.

CastielNovak: Ha! I knew it. I'm right, you're a senior.

(785) 124-1979: What makes you think that you're right?

CastielNovak: That's because it took you too long to reply.

(785) 124-1979: Damn it.

CastielNovak: Hmm, i just love to be right.

(785) 124-1979: Yeah, yeah, just rub it in my face.

CastielNovak: Sorry, just had to. And, Stranger?

(785) 124-1979: Yeah.

CastielNovak: Thanks for making me feel better.

(785) 124-1979: No problem, Cas.

CastielNovak: No, really, I appreciate it. If you hadn't texted me, I would've felt crappy for the whole day, so thank you.

(785) 124-1979: Cas, you know if you sent me texts like that, i might start to assume some things. ;)

CastielNovak: Shut up, Assbutt. Seriously, this is the last time i'm trying to be nice to you.

(785) 124-1979: Don't deny it. You want me.

CastielNovak: Yeah, yeah, whatever keeps you asleep at night, but the bell went so i'm going to go.

(785) 124-1979: Okay, either way, i also have to go.

CastielNovak: Goodbye, Stranger.

(785) 124-1979: Goodbye, Cas ;)

CastielNovak went offline.

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