Broken but breathing

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I wish you saw me like you see him
I wish all my imperfections where perfections like his
I'm standing here Heart in hand knee's wobbling I can barely stand
You sit there and stare but you apparently don't understand where I'm coming from

Blank stares as love comes from the mouth of this renegade can't do nothing right that's OK I'll pick my heart off the floor and walk away cause baby I'm just a love renegade

You gave it up to see me fall I get up In the end but it's OK I may fall but In the end of it all I'm the one standing after you fall in love again

I may lose my cool cause I feel like a tool to you,  you threw me in the deep end before I could swim I'll drown my sorrows In a bottle like all the good country songs do

In a few months I'll find the courage to swim back to the top get up and wipe down these feelings off my chest I can drown my sorrows but not the memories

But memories fade in time but the love I had for you seems to never go away and through all the pain and misery I must be a sucker for pain

Cause your smart girl can't lie and can't deny all the feelings even through time all I want is to make you mine.......

Even to the end of my time I'll reach to you and say it's OK and wipe the tears off your face but to this day you've never seen the tears I shed for you

I must be stupid cause I got poisoned by you and your love and there seems to be no antidote for this posion that runs through my vains is killing me not physicaly but emotionally

Through time I've got accustomed  to the pain of seeing you but I smile as I cry from the inside because in the end you apparently never knew that I fell in love with you

broken but breathing My Poetry CollectionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat