when you left

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It's kinda funny how your gone and I'm feeling this way it's funny the way I felt when your around I never felt so free and you left and I fell down it's not like we ever had a thing only time I got to hold you was in my dreams your perfect the way you are I can't deny the fact that I fell for you the moment I met you that your eyes stared into my blackened soul and found grace within my beating heart the feeling when you left toar me apart I wish I could restart and tell you how I felt your hair that flows so free in the summer days of past makes my heart melt even now so fast the way the words left your lips gave me thoughts the fluish with ever lasting thoughts of desire the way your eyes sparkled like the ocean getting sunlight of the horizon you had me convinced that life was worth living and somethings have worth to die for but even now as I say these words you'll never ever have a clue that this story was about you

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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