LOVE BITES Chapter 5 : Rescuing a Temptation

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Chapter 5 : Rescuing a Temptation

Alastair's POV

I didn't like this. Not one bit.

I pulled the curtain aside again, half expecting to see Nikki walking back up the driveway. Why did she want to go to that party anyway? Why did she insist on fitting in?

It's because of that Brianna Larson girl. She had always influenced Nikki, and not always for the best.

And what was with that outfit? My jaw ticked at the memory of it. Yes, she looked good, amazing actually, seeing her like that made me realise just how grown up she was, but it revealed too much of her flawless skin. Anyone could come up to her and pull that shirt down her chest.

I didn't want anyone touching her.

I sighed, this petty jealously tiring me. I had given Nikki the choice to grow up how she wanted, with whoever she wanted, and yet the idea of anyone near her felt like betrayal.

She wasn't even one of us anymore.

I promised Lady Marisa and Lord Emrik that I would continue to protect her, but I also knew that by protecting her, I had to loosen the reins I had on her so she could experience life and make her own mistakes.

I just wanted her to be happy. For as long as she had, I just wanted her to smile. I would sacrifice my own happiness if it meant she was safe from those that wanted her life.

My reflection in the glass caught my eye, almost violet eyes staring back at me. Yes, my own happiness, my eternal life. Just seeing her everyday was enough.

I knew that if I got too close to her, I wouldn't be able to hold back. Yet, despite knowing this truth, I couldn't stop the want, the need, to be around her. And now that she was older, that temptation had only increased. I wanted her but if I turned her, she would just be put in danger again and everything we had done, what Lady and Lord Whitely had done for her, would be in vain.

I stalked across my bedroom, precious minutes ticking by. More than an hour had passed since they left. How long did parties normally go for? She said she'd be back late, but how late was that? What was she doing there? Was she meeting someone?

I couldn't sit still. They didn't even tell me the name of the person who invited them, actually, they didn't tell me anything about the person who invited them. Were they a friend from school?

Maybe I should check on her? I knew the address. I should go there, see if she's alright, then return home. Quick and simple.

With my mind set, a black mist started to form around my body. I was glad Nikki had accidentally left her phone on the kitchen table after coming home from school. It may not have been the most gentlemanly thing to do, to read a girls texts messages between herself and her friend, but I needed to know the place this party was held. It was a good thing she didn't have any password lock either. I never would have thought to check if she hadn't mentioned that that Brianna had messaged her the place and time this morning.

Blackness engulfed me. No more than a second later and the sight of my bedroom had changed to a street and homes. I was standing on the opposite side of the street, the party house directly across from me. There were barely any lights on, no harsh music, no toilet paper littered across the lawn...

Did I get the right place?

The address matched the one in the message. Something wasn't right. With hands shoved into my pockets, I crossed the road and approached the quiet house. The closer I got, the more I picked up the sound of music coming from inside. What kind of party played soft music?

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