Chapter 8

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Hi loves, sorry that this story is a complete failure. It sucks, is shit and a total piece of crap. Sorry for wasting your time...sorry...~>_<~ But...I'm still going to complete my story no matter what. In my previous book, I said that I have stories that are cut off suddenly and I don't want to be what I hate. So...ya...continue reading if you want to.

Winter's POV:

"How...long..." I asked monotonously as I stared pass his eyes.


"How I have..."

"You don't have to worry about that-"

"I asked you one question and nothing else. Now...are you going to tell me?" I glared at him coldly as he winced slightly at my behavior, making me feel bad for treating him like that. He doesn't deserve my coldness....


"It's alright. Er...3 years..." He spoke hesitantly as he fiddles with his hands.

3 when I thought that everything is going to change for the better, I'm going to die. I don't want to die...Ironic cause, I always wanted to die last time but I couldn't do it but now...urgh...I can't believe I jinxed myself. Idiot!


"I'm fine."

"No you're not. When girls say that they're fine, they are never fine."

"Fine! Then what do you want me to say?! I'm totally alright with dying and I'm glad death finally found me?! Then you will start feeling sorry for me, which I don't need you to?!" I lashed out at him without thinking when it's not even his fault.

I'm literally breaking on the inside. One side of me just want to give up on life, another just want to break down crying, cursing my bad luck in life. I-I don't know what to do....Tears rolled down my cheeks as I bury my head in my knees. I don't feel like moving on...I can't stand this...

"Bemygirlfriend?" He blurted out out of the blue. What did he say?

" be my girlfriend? "

"You are asking that because you feel sorry for me right?" He stared at me like I'm some lunatic before looking down to his hands.


"Then what?"

"Because don't have much time...left..." So he's doing that just because I'm dying soon?! Wow

"So because of that, you want me to be your girlfriend?! "

"No! I ask you that because I really like you and I don't want to be filled with regrets for not telling you that I like you!" W-What?

Zachary's POV:

"No! I ask you that because I really like you and I don't want to be filled with regrets for not telling you that I like you!" I said it...I like her....I really like her...I really like Winter...

" you mean it?"

"Yes. I mean it. I really like you a lot and I don't want to let you go without you knowing how I feel." Her cheeks grew hot,changing into a light shade of red as she bit down on her bottom lip embarrassed.

"So I take it as a yes?" I asked hopefully. She looked up at me shyly before nodding slightly. Yes!

"Great! No taking back your words. Pinky promise? " She laughed melodiously at my childishness as we pink promised.

She's finally mine. I won't let her go. No matter what.

"So baby girl, ready to go back home?"

"I'm not a baby..."

"Not you aren't. You are my baby girl."

"Oh yeah?"

"Definitely love."

"Alright. Give me my clothes. I want to change out of this." She orders jokingly as she tugged on her ugly looking hospital gown.

"Yes, our Highness. Here you go."

"Thank you. Now you are dismissed. You may go now."

"Nah. I would rather stay here." I smirked at her flabbergasted look as I sat back against her once occupied hospital bed. 

"Pervert." She rolled her eyes while slapping my arm lightly.

"So is that a yes?"

"No way! Get out." She pointed sternly at the door making me laugh internally.

"You sure?" I advanced closer to her as she backed away to a wall.

"Yes." She replied firmly with a stiff nod and wandering eyes.

"Are you really sure that you want me to go... out?" I breathe out onto her exposed neck causing her to shiver a little at my action.

"...Y-Yess..." She breath out shakily, placing her hands on my chest, pushing me away.

"Fine then. I'll be waiting outside." 

"Err...wait!" Did she finally change her mind?

"Yes baby girl? Changed your mind?"

"No...Can you make sure no one comes in?" Seriously? I wasn't expecting that.

"Urgh...and I thought you change your mind. But yeah. I will. That is because, your body is only for me to see. No one else except me." With that, I closed her door shut and stood outside her room protectively. No one is freaking entering without my permission or consent.

Winter's POV:

"Finally! I'm sick of the hospital. I don't like being there at all." I took a deep breath of the jasmine smelling air  which calmed my nerves almost immediately.

"I don't too."

"You don't?"

"No. I've never been to the hospital till you got admitted. I don't want to go to the hospital, knowing that the one I'm visiting is you." Sigh...not like it's my choice...

"Like I can even help it...It's not my choice either."

"Don't worry so much okay? We will get through this together. Okay?"

" the way, what day is today?"

"Um..Tuesday. Why?"

"Oh dear! You need to get back to work! You have many important meetings today!"

"Who cares."

"Who cares? I do! So get your ass back to work! I can take care of myself. Now go go go!"

"Why? Can't I stay with you?"

"You can but at least go for your meetings. Please? For me?"

"Urgh...fine. Why do you always use that move on me? You're heartless you know."

"Oh please...You know that I'm not. Now shoo! I can take care of myself from here. Byeee!" Without waiting for his reply, I threw him out of his house and locked the door.  Oops? But..his meetings are indeed important. I can't make him lose any potential clients or any good catch in the market.

*15 minutes later...*

I'm bored....I have practically nothing to do! I think I should just prepare dinner for him. Maybe to thank him for taking care of me. It's better that sitting around and doing nothing right?

Sorry loves for the slip slop end of this chapter because I have no idea what to write currently. Sorry.

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