Changing Once Again

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Shit, I thought trying to look for a way to escape and trying to look anywhere but into those haunting eyes.

"What's wrong?" he said with a taunting voice, "cat got your tongue?"

Then he starting laughing, it was the creepiest thing I have ever heard. Great, I thought, now I have a crazy person holding a knife to my neck. As soon as the laughing started it stopped, I looked at him to try and see why he quit laughing. He stared back, I could barely see what color his eyes were because of how close his face was. He had brown eyes, I couldn't tell what shade or anything because there wasn't much light and I had adrenaline running through me so it was hard to focus.

"You must think I'm crazy," he said sighing he then he smirked "or maybe, you're scared of me?" He said moving his face closer to mine.

I remained silent staring at him. I didn't know what I was feeling maybe fear, maybe hate? I didn't know, but one thing I knew for certain--how to get out of this situation. "Yeah, that's probably it" he said muttering now, he closed his eyes moving his face even closer. Our lips were almost touching now, one more inch and I'm certain they would be.

Good, that's what I wanted.

I felt his breath against my face, it was, surprisingly comforting in a way, but what I also felt was the pressure on my neck relieve. He moved the knife, now or never I thought, I moved so that I was a good inch above him. As he was about to close the space between us, I punched him square in the jaw and push him off me. Like I said I can hold my own in a bad situation, and this was certainly one of those. He yelped, now on his knees holding his chin, still on my bed, but his yelp didn't even compare to how loud my aunt was screaming my name.

"Alexzander!" she called I jumped at the sound of her voice. "Get your lazy ass in here!" I now could tell that she was drunk because her words were slurred, and she was in a bad mood.

I looked briefly at my window that I usually go through to escape, but I shouldn't even think about using it with these lunatics in my house. I suddenly remembered that the second one walked out.

I didn't have time to ponder on that before my aunt let out another shivering shriek to, 'get my ass down here'. I ran out the door, the crazy-knife-boy was still processing what was happening. When I got in there the lights were turned on and I saw my once caring aunt tear faced and, angry wouldn't even begin to explain the hatred in her eyes. The hatred, of course, was directed at me. She slammed a half-full wine glass on the marble countertop, the glass went everywhere on the floor along with the wine.

Now I was petrified, I had an idea as to what she was planning on doing with the now really sharp wine bottle, but I didn't want it to be true.

"Y-you little, bitch!" she yelled the last part and came charging towards me.

I was right at the entrance of the kitchen, there was a back door that she must've came through. I felt something breeze past me and my aunt got grabbed from behind stopping her, almost a foot away from me.

Then, I saw the most horrific thing ever. It was as if everything was in slow motion as the person who grabbed her pulled out a knife. They put it up to her neck, I saw for only a second her looking at me, sober in her final moments of life. She looked at me with regret, like she was sorry for everything that she did. They sliced her neck, showing no hesitation for the gruesome act they committed.

Blood went everywhere.

When they slit her neck blood squirted everywhere, like a water balloon popping. I felt a few drops land on my face and I lost it. I crumbled into a heap on the floor and I cried, she was still alive I heard her choke on her own blood. It was the worse sound ever, I covered my ears trying to block it out but the sound was still so deafening. I felt someone touch my back and I lashed out at them.

"Get away from me you psychopaths!" I screamed tears blurring my vision. Psychopaths, lunatics, murderers, that's what they are, they stalk me, break into my house... kill my aunt. What else am I supposed to think of them as? Because they sure as hell aren't angels.

"Whoa," an older boy said "calm down we aren't going to hurt you. If anything we helped you."

"Helped me?" I said, feeling all kinds of emotions; sadness, annoyance, anger. "You think that you helped me!?" I turned to face the boy behind me now, "if anything you've made my life a living hell!" I spat at him still crying. He tried to touch my face and I bit him.

"Fuck!" he said, surprised.

The place where I bit him started to bleed and I was reminded of what happened a minute ago. I dared a look behind me, I quickly stood up and I puked up everything inside of me. The sight of her will forever haunt me, she was facing me, eyes rolled all the way to the back of her head, and her head was almost detached from her body showing her ripped up throat and the inside of her neck.

What the hell did he do to her? I thought, what are they going to do to me? I panicked, my breath quicken, and I could feel the blood running through my veins. I was crying so hard that I thought that I was going to dehydrate. I feel to my knees again, this time in a pool of blood. There was a buzzing in my ears and I had a head-splitting headache. If someone was trying to talk to me I couldn't hear, if someone was touching me I couldn't feel it. Hell, if someone was staring me right in my face I wouldn't be able to see it because of how much I was crying! The only thing that I could think of was my aunt. The way she used to read me bedtime stories when I was young. Her famous spaghetti that I just loved, every memory that I had with her flashed before my eyes. Until finally the last memory of her alive was of her looking at me with such heart lurching eyes.

After what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes. I stopped crying, I could feel again, I could hear again.

"I think that he's having a panic attack!" the blond boy exclaimed, while himself started to panic.

"Well, what do you expect? After all that he's gone through tonight..." The older one said, turning to look at the blond. He was on his knees sitting close but behind me.

"Fine, well, whatever," the blond said taking a step closer to me, "are you okay?" He asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I slapped his hand away then went to slap him in the face, but the older one must have noticed what I was doing and grabbed my hand from behind.

"No hitting. Now be good, or else," he said as his lips brushing past my neck as he moved to look me in the eye.

I jerked my hand away, he had fawn-colored hair, with ice blue eyes and a more squared jaw than the other one. The blond was still crouched down in front of me, just looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes. Honestly, it gave me the creeps. He reached out as if to touch me but I jumped back and screamed.

"Don't touch me!" He put his hand back by his side. Seeming not to be affected by what I said.

"Brother?" he asked the boy behind me.

Fan-fucking-tastic, I thought, I wonder if all of their family is from the looney bin?

"What are we going to do, this was not part of the plan." What fuckin plan? The plan to make my life miserable?

"Well, we can't leave him here, he'll tell the cops."

"And it's not like we can kill him." Why not?

"So, I guess the only thing we can do," he breathed in deeply. "Is to take him with us."

A/N: Do you ever look back on what you've written and just think "what the actual fuck." The only reason why this story is still up is because of how weirdly popular it got. I just hope the second one turns out better.

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