Just Keep Going

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I don't know how long I've been running; seconds, minutes, hours even, I can't tell. My heart was beating so fast and my ears were starting to ring. I couldn't tell if they were still following or if they have given up and grown tired. I couldn't stop though, if I did I might not be able to run again if needed. They could be right behind me, or they could be a long ways away. A little voice in my head said, they could have given up and now all you're doing is burning up needed energy, and what are you going to do then? When you have nothing left in you. Are you just going to let them take you? I took a sharp turn left, it was so sudden even I almost lost footing. I didn't hear anyone else have trouble though, looking back on it I couldn't even hear my own footsteps, much less someone else. It was good enough for me though, and I began to slow to a stop.

I let myself fall back to the tree behind me, trying to catch my breath. A cool breeze passed relaxing my nerves, only slightly. I didn't close my eyes, I was too busy looking around trying to figure out where I was. I let out a long sign of annoyance, I had no fucking clue, nothing looked familiar. I pinched the bridge of my nose, becoming very frustrated, angry, and...scared. I was scared shitless, I had no idea where I was, and two psychopaths were chasing me. Fucking great way to start off my night, I thought bitterly. I was about to stand up when I heard a noise coming from the way I came.

"Shit, sorry," I heard someone say.

"Try to be more careful, what if heard you? We would never find him then," another voice said, which I immediately recognized as the blond boys. I heard the first speaker, who I am assuming was the older boy, grumble something in response. Then silence, I would hear every few seconds the crunch of leaves as they began to walk away. I stood up and immediately began to feel lightheaded. I leaned back against the tree until it passed, I didn't think that I would be able to run very far. You have too, I thought while pushing myself off of the tree. If you don't they'll catch you, then who knows what could happen.

I began to walk, not being able to find it in me to run despite what my head told me. I made sure to be careful so that I don't make much noise. I couldn't tell how far away they were, and I didn't want to risk anything. I was walking for maybe a minutes or two, their small sounds getting even further away by the second, when something so unfortunate happened that I seriously thought the world was trying to get me killed. I either stepped on a twig or dry leaf, but whatever it was let out a relatively loud, crunch.

I stopped dead in my tracks, straining my ears while listening for any noise. I let out a sigh of relief after not hearing anything for a few seconds and was about to continue walking when I felt something grad on to my arm. I was about to scream but they put a damp cloth over my mouth, it had a funny smell but I didn't think much if it. I began thrashing around trying to loosen my captors' grip, but he twisted my arm around making it painful to move. Another set of footprints began to enter my hearing range, then I began to feel sleepy. My vision became blurred, and I couldn't hear what the two were saying to each other, just muffled voices. However, despite this, I had a sense of calmness, though I know for a fact that if I could've heard them; I wouldn't have been so damn calm.

I woke up with a massive headache, I groaned and tried to scratch my head. When I lifted up my hand the other one followed. Realizing that they were tied together I quickly sat up from my laying position and looked around. My hands and feet were tied together, and I seemed to be in the back of a van of sorts. Fucking great, I thought, not only do I get kidnapped, but it's in the most cliché way possible. Well minus the killing-your-only-family part. I couldn't tell much other than it was the back of an empty van, and that we were moving. There was a wall thing separating where I was and what I assumed to be the front seats. I couldn't see or hear anything on the other side, which I couldn't decide whether that was good or not. Well at least I get some privacy, I thought. I let out a long sigh, "this could not get any worse," I told myself. Just then we stopped, well shit I didn't mean for you to take that as a challenge, universe.

I heard the car door slam shut and then someone walking to the back, I guessed to open the door to the back of the van. While they were opening up the door, the first thing I thought of was; well-played universe, well played. I should be fine though, after all, all I have to do is just keep going and wait. I shouldn't worry, I know how to handle myself in dangerous situations, and believe me this definitely fits that criteria.

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