Chapter Six

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Chapter Six – 3RD PERSON POV

Natalia, the Luna of the Midnight Forrest was once again causing drama the best way she could. Nothing had changed for her since the past few years, attacking Reese amused her then and it amuses her now.

Now, it is was the third time that Natalia was causing trouble with Reese however, this time it included the Golden Redemption's Luna and Alpha Jared's mate, Nicole.

"What's going on here?" Alpha Jared's voice echoed within the room, all three girls standing in the room, his voice full of authority I made Reese and Natalia's backs straighten up in respect, Nicole simply looking up and smiling at her mate.

Nicole and Jared's love was beautiful to everyone around them, it was a romance that Reese wished she had but would never voice—since being in the Golden Redemption pack, she hasn't looked at a single male. The experience with men in her old pack, despite how small, put her off.

The noises had interrupted Alpha Jared as he studied in his office, piles of paperwork falling in each and every direction. Reese and Nicole had been having a little girl chat in Reese's room, the music being a bit too loud that it had interrupted Natalia—a very short-tempered young woman clearly.

"Ask the dwarf, she clearly hasn't seen a real Luna in her life," Natalia spoke pointedly at Nicole, who happened to be only inches shorter than everyone else. Reese's eyes bulged out as her mouth gaped open. Did she not know who she was talking to? Had no one filled in this airy little girl who the real Luna was in this room?

Nicole growled at Natalia, gritting her teeth at the disrespectful she-wolf. Jared snarled behind Natalia, gripping her harshly by the shoulder and spinning her around. Natalia gasped shocked, staring up at the angry Alpha in fear.

"Learn your place, mutt." He snarled in Natalia. "You don't talk about my mate like that unless you want your tongue cut off." Nicole almost swooned at his threatened, it pleasured her to see her mate protect her, even when he knew she would fight her own battles.

Natalia gaped at Jared, her jaw falling slack as she looked between both the Alpha and the Luna—who she now knew was Nicole. Jared continued;

"We are letting you live here, so learn your place. You are no Luna here, you lost that title after you let your pack die in the arms of rogues." Jared spat in disgust, he almost couldn't look at Natalia anymore. Reese raised her brow as she listened to the conversation, her mind wondering;

What did Natalia do that caused Jared to dislike her so much? The obvious decade abuse, sure, but this was real personal hatred.

What did Natalia do during the rogue attacks?

"You can't speak to me like that, you have no right!" Natalia gritted her teeth angrily, colour reappearing on her slightly pale face, the fear being replaced with arrogance and anger.

Alpha Jared scoffed as both Reese and Luna Nicole watched, both of them seemed to be enjoying the show as they fell back on the bed overly entertained.

"When you're on my territory I can speak to you any way I desire. We have a Luna here—a true Luna. It's time for you to learn your place and if you don't then the door is only steps away."

Natalia roared in anger; "Watch when I tell Hayden about this, you're asking for a war." What was meant to scare the Alpha in submission only tickled his bones as he dryly laughed in her face.

"You barely have enough pack members for a Christmas dinner."

Hayden's pack needed the Golden Redemption in order to survive and Jared knew that they needed his pack so anything Natalia could say was simply an empty threat to him.

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