Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

The only thing I could feel was pain, I felt pain everywhere. I ached everywhere.

I attempted to open my eyes, however the weight was too much. My mind was frazzled and my mind was a bundle of fear and worry combined. What was happening?

Where was I? What was going on?

The last thing that I could remember was the rogue attack—finding Emilie being viciously choked by an enormous rogue, myself pushing that rogue to a breaking point. And lastly, the room being filled with rogues—all going for me.

A voice broke me out of my thoughts, but I kept my eyes closed as I listened in.

"How long has with bitch been out?" A scratchy voice asked, irritation leaking through each word. "How much wolfsbane did you use?"

"Does it look like I know?" A second voice piped up sarcastically, just as scratchy as the first.

I attempted to mind-link my pack however everything I was sending was hitting a blocked wall, a wall I didn't put up but neither could I take it down.

"I'm sorry," This was the first voice again. "Why exactly are you here if you plan on doing, absolutely nothing?"

"Oh right, Harold wants you so chop chop! Don't want to keep the boss waiting." I heard a growl through the room.

"It's Alpha to you, be respectful mutt."

The childish dialogue continued for a few more minutes before the first rogue left—I'm assuming by the intense scrambling of feet hit the floorboards under us and the door slamming behind me.

Suddenly, I felt a sort of prodding on my right shoulder.

"Wakey wakey, no eggs and no baccy!" I heard the second rogue joke around, but I chose not to move—sadly, he continued.

"Wake up, you stupid little bitch,"

"Oh, you filthy piece of shit, wake up!" Then I felt intense pain in my cheek as the owner of the voice slapped me, making my eyes shoot open as I hissed in pain.

"Morning sunshine." The rogue smiled sinisterly. I tasted copper. I spat warm blood in his face.

The rogue growled at me, wiping the blood off his face and slapped me again, his claws slightly elongated—the nails skimming my cheek causing me to hiss.

"I can easily kill you."

"Do it then," I croaked, my throat dry as I spoke.

Would he really kill me though? Thinking about it, that wouldn't be the greatest thing to happen—especially after I may have finally patched things up with Hayden.

Speaking of Hayden, I tried mind-linking him through our mate bond—after the marking, it had enabled our mind-link—however there was no use. The rogues were clearly using something to block my links.

The rogue, leaned forward, I could feel his hot breath on my ear as I cringed in disgust.

"And what would be the point in that?" He sneered before he stood straight and turned away from me walking through the door and slamming it shut—the sound of a lock followed close behind.

I wanted to run and scream. To kill, but my arms and legs were chains to the floor with sliver-- the unbreakable.

Not only was it unbreakable but it was also slowly searing my skin— silver happened to be a poisonous metal to us wolves.

I thrashed angrily, growling and howling.

I need to get out of here.

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