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After getting ready for the day I came downstairs. Moving to the kitchen I froze in place. My family and Emrys gathered around the kitchen. They weren't the reason my mouth went dry and a chill ran down my spine.

Next to Emrys was two strangers. These weren't just any strangers either. They were the men from the woods. The one who had tried to kill me and Lyra. The big guy and Mr. Trigger Happy was sitting here in my kitchen with my family.

How could they actually be here? All of that was a dream, right? It was some kind of warning vision the well had given me. None of this made sense. How was I supposed to tell what was real from what is fake? If everything keeps blurring together than what am I supposed to believe?

My eyes found Lyra at the table. She had been there last night. If all of that had happened wouldn't she recognize them. They had put her life in danger as well. They had grabbed us and threaten us. She would have been scared of them. Instead she sat one of her dolls in her lap brushing its hair as she waited for the food to be finished.

"Hey sleepy head," Emrys was the first notice me. He stood up walking over as he drew the others to me. "I want to introduce you to my friends." The two strangers stood as well. The big guy smiled offering me his hand. I looked at it for a moment but took it not one to be rude.

"I'm Edward but everyone calls me Eddie." He spoke his voice deep and rich. My eyes shifted to the other man. Mr. Trigger Happy hands were shoved into his pocket his brows were pulled down and he stood beside Edward.

"Auden," Mr. Trigger Happy said and I offered him my hand. He looked at the extended limb for a moment before pulling his hands from his pocket. When his fingers clasped around mine I could feel the force he put into the shake. It felt like he was trying to squeeze my name and I wondered not for the first time what was wrong with this guy.

Twisting our linked hands slightly I looked down at his but there was no mark on the back. I had bitten him hard enough to draw blood but his hands showed no signs of ever been bitten. So it was just in my head. Was it possible to dream up people you've never met before?

"Eddie and Auden are college friends of mine. They'll spending their spring break here too." Emrys spoke drawing my attention back to him. Auden released my fingers before shoving his back into his pocket. If they were friends from college truly maybe I had seen them before in the background when talking to Emrys on Face Time.

They say the strangers in your dreams are before you've passed by at least once before. Or maybe the well was warning me about these two as well. That they were dangerous and I needed to stay away from them.

"Earth to Gunner? Man you still sleep or something?" Emrys asked and I blinked a few times. If he had said something between the introductions and calling my attention I had missed it.

"I've been up," I defended myself though I guess I could have used begin sleepy still as a reason I was so spaced out at the moment. "I was talking to Soren and the others." I watched Emrys' face twist in disgust at the mention of Soren's name. I really wanted to know what happened between the two of them. Why were they so hostile towards each other?

"You shouldn't spend too much time with those people, Gunner," Emrys spoke and this time, I frowned at my best friend. I didn't know Emrys to hate someone he didn't know. He was the kind of person that always saw good in others. Was always looking to give someone a second chance. So what happened that would make him write Soren off? As far as I've seen Soren was very kind and caring.

"Why?" I asked honestly wanting to know. Emrys said those people as if the Ghost Lives team was a group of crooks. As far as I knew they hadn't done anything. Even as mean and rude as Savannah is she hasn't done anything harmful.

THE DEAF BOY HEARD IT ALL (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now