Chapter 3

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Quentin was measuring Jason's wingspan when Ty came back with pet supplies.

"Hey you're back!" Quentin looked up from his work and smiled in greeting. "How was it?"

"Horrific." Ty set down a proper cage full of equipment for the human, and Jason warily eyed the cage. "You have no idea how annoying people can be!" Ty huffed. "I had to practically wrestle an old lady for some of these things!" He waved at the cage-full for emphasis. Quentin looked like he was trying to not laugh.

"Did she almost beat you?" He teased.

"... Shut up." Quentin smirked it off, and Ty lightly chuckled, shaking his head before looking down at Jason.

"So, how are you little guy?" He asked. Jason blinked before reddening and averting his gaze. He recalled from the pet shop that some experienced humans had said that giants did not like it when humans held eye contact, as if the humans didn't feel degraded enough.

Ty frowned. "... still not talking, huh?" Quentin shrugged for the timid human.

"He doesn't seem the sort of talking type..." he sympathized. "But once I got through to him, he seemed pretty cooperative."

"That's good," Ty commented, gazing at Jason. "Means I won't have to train him as roughly as most I guess." Jason couldn't help but shudder at the idea of "training."

"And he's in pretty good shape," Quentin added, "He's really skinny though."

"I've got something to fix that," Ty assured. He dug through his pocket and pulled put a bag, opening it and holding up a small piece of cookie.

Jason tensed as his mouth watered.

"There you go~ For being good so far." Ty held the cookie crumb out on his fingertips to Jason, who snatched it without a second thought and started nibbling on it frantically like a starved mouse. Both giants watched in amusement for a moment before Quentin sighed and got up, wrapping the small measuring tape up in his hands.

"Well, he's in good hands." He paused before chuckling, "Good luck" before leaving the room. Jason ignored this and finished his treat, having not tasted sugar in so long, or anything with flavor for that matter.

Ty yawned and stretched with his arms over his head before relaxing and looking down at the cage.

"Right then." He opened the cage and started sorting everything out, pulling a few "toys" out and putting a small bowl right-side up, while Jason meanwhile watched at the edge of the end table. Finally, Ty sighed and looked to Jason, who had started yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Tired?" Ty chuckled. Jason sleepily looked up at his owner, and Ty moved to open the drawer, rummaging through it before pulling out some cotton balls. "Here." He offered them in the center of his palm, and Jason eyed the large hand that was big enough to swat him like a fly. As much as he wanted to just give up and roll over for the giant, his instincts were screaming at him to beware the hand.

Ty wavered for a moment, then sighed and shrugged and put the cotton balls in the cage. "Whatever, we'll fix that tomorrow." He picked Jason up unexpectedly, making Jason freeze up with a gasp and a fidget of alarm before he was put in his cage. The two fingers gently let go of his waist, and he dropped the foot to the ground. The immense hand pulled away and closed the cage door behind him, and Jason turned to peer up at Ty through the silver mesh. The giant stared back for a moment, then yawned again and moved away to do his own thing. Jason slowly approached the cage walls and gripped the slender but stiff bars and watched as Ty got ready for bed.

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