Chapter 2

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Alice wandered throughout the streets of Malmö after dropping her daughters off at school, the mood shifting with the weather to cast a gloom on the city. It escalated the deep conflict in her chest as she hoped she would find what she was looking for.

By word of mouth, sneaking around, and a few more phone calls, Alice finally got the information for the opportunity she needed. It was very low profile, and the meeting took place in the shadows of a small café off main street. In the café, Alice met with a woman who was tall, elegantly put together, and seemingly only a little older than her thirty-two year old self with a confident stride and a presence that filled the room.

The meeting was short, and the woman seemed nice.

A card was given to Alice with a phone number that would change late the next day. The woman told her to think about it with an answer to be given tomorrow morning. The money would be substantial enough to keep the Rogers family from going under.

    As Alice walked home, she had the small glimmer of hope that filled her heart. Just the option to have this much money, to secure some sort of future, would be wonderful.

    As the day came to an end, Alice didn't mention the opportunity to her husband. Partially for the fear of what he would think, and knowing that there was a high probability he would refuse.

The next morning at 7am, just before David left for work, frustration and tension still had a grip on everyone in the house. Another argument ensued between Alice and David, and the girls grew a little more scared with each word. Leaving for work, there was no hug and kiss. David said a quick goodbye to his family and slammed the front door on his way out.

Alice pulled out the business card from her pocket that she had been keeping close to her since she received it. She sent her daughters outside, and called the number.

    Alice dropped Evelyn off at her secondary school, but kept walking when she reached Ruth's school. Ruth was confused, and asked her mother where they were going. Her mother told Ruth that it would be a day off for the both of them. Alice didn't want to stall, she needed to get to the location to meet the woman and not take the time to think about the consequences of her decision. It was far off the beaten path where Alice took Ruth to meet the woman. The woman stood back behind an abandoned building with a large purse slung over her shoulder, still keeping her strong presence when all around her was a dreary and dark atmosphere. Alice didn't know how long the woman had been standing there, or how she arrived at this location. A quick look around showed no mode of transportation out of this place.

As Alice and Ruth walked close enough to greet the woman, Ruth held tight to her mother's hand.

    "This is my daughter, Ruth. Ruth Rogers."

    The woman knelt down to greet Ruth with a warm smile, "Nice to meet you, Ruth." her American accent stuck out to Ruth the most.

    "Hello," Was all Ruth said, her face buried in her mother's arm.

    The woman stood back up, "She's beautiful. I'll take care of her like one of my own."

    Alice now knelt down to talk to her daughter, "Listen, Ruth. You're going to go and stay with this nice woman for a little while, ok? She is going to take wonderful care of you."

    "I don't want to go," Ruth whispered to her mother's ear.

    "It'll be alright. You'll have a great time, and I'll see you later."

    "When? When will you be back for me?"

    "Soon. I love you." Alice kissed Ruth on the forehead and stood up.

    Ruth kept protesting, louder and louder each time.

While Ruth yelled, begging for her mother to listen, Alice asked for the money and the woman handed over the purse.

    "The money is all there. Thank you for your daughter," The woman said cooly.

    Alice nodded, not knowing what else to say to the woman or her daughter. Handing Ruth over, Alice turned and walked away.

Ruth was screaming for her mother to come back. The woman held tight to Ruth's hand, dragging her away, all the while Ruth continued to kick and scream. The moment Alice turned the corner, the woman put a syringe to the base of Ruth's neck, and Ruth was instantly asleep.

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