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"Ch-change what?" My eyes widening in realization. Oh no, I spoke to the Don without asking his permission making me unconsciously bit my lip in trepidation.

"Pardon m-me Don for not asking your permission to speak." I stutter, my eyes on my lap.

"It's fine. I will allow you to speak to me freely only if you answer my questions truthfully." I can feel his eyes on me, waiting for my response.

"Yes Don."

"Have you been fucked before?" The callousness of his question causes me to flinch. I contemplate if I should lie or answer the truth. If I choose the former, he might punish me from hiding the truth. If I tell him the truth that I have kept my innocence intact, he might pick an interest about it and make my life a living hell.

I choose to lie.

"Y-yes sir." I say biting my lip after. His eyes narrow at me.

"Liar." He sneers making me gulp.

Why do I always choose the wrong decision?

"I hate liars." He tells me, his stare hardening every seconds while sweat starts to form in my forehead. Oh shit, what will he do now?

"Does getting punished sounds appealing to you?" He asks with a menacing smirk.

I shake my head in fear. The don rises a bit to grip my jaw with his hand.

"Then, do not ever fucking lie to me." He sneers. Unwanted tears escape my eyes as I welp in pain. His grip is too strong it may leave a bruise later.

"Now answer me the truth." He orders.

"N-no. No one has touched me yet, Don." A smile slowly creeps on his lips.

"Elaborate." My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Elaborate what?

His eyes gauge my reaction to his statement before he speaks again.

"You are very innocent." He chuckles making my cheeks redden. He moves his hand towards my blushing face again. Brushing his thumb softly to the softness of my flushed skin in contrast of how harsh his hands were a while ago.

"I want to destroy it." He says very calmly with his eyes turns into greed excitement.

Slowly, he grabs my hips slipping me towards him in the water. His hands still holding my hips in place as he moves towards the deeper part of the tub. He then pulls me towards his lap, making me straddle him with my legs on each side of his lap. I cringe when I feel his hard manhood touches my leg. So in reflex, I push my hands to his toned chest to create distance between us.

"Stop squirming!" He yells at me. His loud gruelling voice resonates inside the walls of this room and in instant, I stop moving. Silence fills his outburst afterwards as I sit still on his lap, afraid to even make the slightest move. I feel his chest moves when he releases an air of exasperation.

"Lisa have you ever wish you have something you never have. Something that is absolutely impossible for you attain?" He suddenly asks me to my confusion. Where is this heading?

I nod my head weakly as my face starts to grow grim. Ofcourse, that is the best question he could ask me. Since all my life, all I did is pray and wish but all of it came unanswered.

I wished for a good life, it never came.

I wished for my mother's love, still she never did.

I wished for my father's life, and still he is still six feet under the ground.

I wished for my freedom, but here I am -- in the lap of the devil himself.

He caresses his fingers from my legs towards my waist causing shivers to erupt from my already wet skin. He then tilts my chin so my eyes could meet his. Deep green eyes probing and studying my grief stricken face.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now