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Surprise!!! 👆👆👇👇



I can't believe that I am sitting in front of Des again, my pathetic excuse of a father. He might be respected and feared by everyone but not me. I know the real him, his secret that lies deep on his bone. He disgusts me.

But since he's holding someone important to me, I need to control myself. That someone who's more important to me than my mother.

The person I only care about.

I've been looking for her in years making my frustration grow while my hope diminish. I need to find her and I want her back.


Even the thought of her name ignites a longingness inside of me. And I hate this kind of feeling.

I don't really give a damn of finding my mother. As much as I hate my own father, the apathy I held to the person who gave birth to me is insurmountable. Anyone will understand the hatred I have for her if they knew what she did. That fû*king bitch. If she's dead I hope she's burning in the deepest pits of hell.

I just need Trinity back because she's the only who keeps me sane in this damn world.

She is in my father's hand though he denied it many times, I know he's hiding her somewhere. He's hiding her so well that even my best tracker couldn't able to find her. So I have to play his games right.

Yes, that is how my relationship to him can be best described. A fû.cking game.

When I told him that I have the daughter of the man he and I loathes the most, I was hoping that he'll take the bait and offer my Trinity in exchange of that man's daughter: Melissa Hart.

As much as I want to keep Lisa for my entertainment, the need of having Trinity back in my arms is overpowering. Trinity is still my priority.

"Why are you here?" I snarl to my father, not concealing my detest of his visit.

"Your mother taught you to be well-disposed. She also taught you to be welcoming to visitors. Have you forgotten?" He mocks.

I flinch as a sudden gust of unwanted memories flash in my head rising the ill temper I'm trying to hold. I know he's trying to unmask my uncommitted facade which proves my instinct that he's starting this hideous mind game with me again. Fü.ck him.

"Well, I remember it so perfectly in my mind father.. like how mother used to look at you with repugnance in her eyes." I smirk as I countered his attempt of shaking me.

I notice his appearance to grim sparking my desire to add another blow to his raging emotion. The topic of my mother has always been a trigger to him and I used it to my advantage.

Des clears his throat, then grabs his glass of wine to drink.

"I'm here to visit you my son. To see how you're doing. Why would it be suprising to you?" He says after taking a sip of the expensive wine from my cellar.

Another reason I don't like him being here, he touches what is mine without permission.

"I'm doing perfectly fine as you can see. You can leave now." I say through my teeth.

"What's with the haste? I just arrived and I was worried when the accident in New York happened. I almost lost my only son!" He utters with a cry that it is almost comical in a sense. I almost roll my eyes to his obvious pretend of concern.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now