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"Hello, Merlin. " Arthur said walking up to his servant and friend sitting across from him. Merlin looked up from his journal.

"Good Morning Arthur." He said looking back down at his journal. Arthur looked at the journal. He had never seen it. Yet he was a good half way through the book.

"What are you doing?" Merlin shrugged. "You know what you're doing!" Merlin looked up annoyed.

"Do you really care?" Arthur was a little hurt. He did care. He's always cared. Always has always will.

"Yes I do! Now give it here!" Arthur grabbed the journal and booked it.

Arthur went to his chambers and locked the door.

He sat down and opened the journal.

It was a drawing journal. As he flipped through the pages it was like a story.

The first was what looked like Merlin coming over a hill. The next was him walking in town. Then him meeting Gaius. Then there's a picture of Morgana(Morgana isn't evil in this at all) in the picture she seemed to be glowing. Then him saving Arthur.

Then Arthur skips a bunch of pages.

It's a picture of Arthur and Gwen. Kissing in front of the court. Then there's a page without a drawing. It's a title page for the rest of the book.

"People I Have Come To Lose"

He turned the page to see a picture of Will, his friend from Eldor. Underneath his picture it said "I'm scared." In the picture Wills face was scared and covered in tears. But that's not how he knew that Will was scared. It was his eyes. His beautifully drawn eyes. They were full of so much fear and needing that it made Arthur's heart sink.

Then the next page was a woman. Who was beautiful. The smile, the eyes, everything about her. Under her picture it said "You made me feel loved." Her face was full of pain and agony. But her eyes were happy, excepting even. Like she was okay with what was happening. In the corner of the page a man was there that kind off resembled Arthur but why would be there. He didn't know her. At least he didn't think he did. This picture made his eyes water.

Merlin had a love? No. That can be right. He would have told Arthur. Right? Did she die in his arms?

Then was Baldor. This picture was so much more detailed than the other two. And he thought the other two were life like. It was astonishing. Almost as if he were in the room. His face was almost blank. Other than the small hint of sadness. His eyes were sad and full of tears. Bainor's picture said, "My son, I have seen enough of you to know you will make me proud." Tears ran down Arthur's face.

Before he could think about anything he saw on that page the book was ripped from his hands.

"Are you done now?!" Merlin spit looking at him. Arthur looked at Merlin with tears in his eyes.

"I....I never knew that.... I- Did she die in your arms?" Merlin looked at the book and turned back a page. To look at her.

Merlin stared at the page and he let tears ran down his face. He nodded unable to speak.

"What was her name?" Merlin looked up and debated telling him.

"Her name was Freya. The love of my life. I didn't know her very long but she understood me more than anyone else. She made me happier than I ever had been. But she died." Merlin closed the book not being able to look at her anymore. Arthur thought more about what he had saw.

"How did she die? If you don't mind me asking if course if your not comfortable answering I understand." He quickly added. Merlin almost smile at that.

"It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell it you. But neither of us are ready for that."

"Well Merlin. You are an amazing drawer. Fantastic. I cannot express how astonishing you are." Arthur started to walk away to go to training when he stopped.

"What Balinor your father?" He asked.

Oh boy!

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