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"... then I realized that the bird wasn't mine." Percival finished. Causing all the men to die laughing.

"I didn't know you had it in you!" Gwaine clasped the knight's shoulder. The knights were out hunting for the week and decided to tell each other strange stories that they have either heard or lived.

"Your turn Merlin!" Arthur scoffed. "If you even have a story to tell."

"Does it have to be true?" Arthur shook his head.

"Well then yes I do." He thought for a moment thinking of one of his stories to tell.

"There once was a king. A king who was desperately in love with his queen. Some say that when she would walk into a room the torches would burn a little brighter than before. The king and queen sadly could not have children. So the sought help from their court sorceress. They begged her to make it so his queen could bare children. The sorceress hesitated, for she knew the punishment that would occur, but in the end agreed. Soon the queen and king, oblivious of the outcome, were expecting a child." Merlin looked up to see all but Arthur were immersed with the story, Arthur was just glaring ready to end the story.

"It wasn't until the queen was about to have her baby that they learned the consequences of forcing life to happen. That one of them has to die. Whether it be the king, the queen, or the baby was up to them. The king and queen immediately volunteered them self. For neither of them were going to lose their child, but they didn't want to lose each other. The king demanded that he would be the one to die. But the queen was smarter. The queen knew that it would be better for the kingdom is she was the one to die. For a kingdom needed a king." Merlin stopped for a moment to drink some water. He then cleared his throat and continued.

"The queen waited to right before she had her baby. She told her sorceress that she was to be the one to die not the king. The sorceress sadly agreed. When the baby was born she let the mother hold her son. Now the husband thought it was him who was dying so he looked at his wife and child and said how much he loved them both. But the queen looked at the sorceress as the court physician took the baby to look him over and nodded. She then looked at her husband and said that she loved him and their son more than anything. And she believes in the kingdom both of them will rule upon. Then the queen died a quick and painless death. The king held his son vowed to make magic suffer for taking away his wife. This is how the Once and Future King was born. This baby boy is to become the most amazing king the world has and will ever know. That boy will be the king that unites all of Avalon. But he is not to do it alone for he will be helped by a warlock named Emrys." Merlin once again looked at everyone's face. They were all in awe of the story.

"The king's anger and grief caused him to ban magic from his kingdom. The court physicians ward was in love with a dragon lord. Together both him and the woman ran far from the kingdom to a small village just outside of the borders. The two were engaged to be married. The man got the woman pregnant just before their wedding. But the king was tracking the dragon lord. The man knew the king was after him so he ran. He ran from his almost wife and unborn child.This child was Emrys. When Emrys was born he was born with eyes of gold. Showing that he had magic and very powerful magic. The boy grew up without a father and having to hide his 'gift' that he could rarely control. The mother fearing about her son sent her off to see the court physician of the kingdom she had run away from all those years ago." Merlin could tell that the men were hanging on every word. Even though there is no plot they are longing to know what amazing things the two do.

"When Emrys made it to the kingdom he was meet to a sorcerer being beheaded for using magic. After the man died the man's mother told the man that she would kill the king's son, who was not almost of age. 'A son for a son' She put it. Emrys continued to meet his new caretaker. On his way, he saw the price tormenting a servant. Emrys, not knowing that the man was the prince, threatened the prince to stop. This ended in a fight that almost killed Emrys. Emrys got away and meet his new caretaker the court physician. The court physician welcomed the warlock with open arms."

"Whats a warlock?" Gwaine asked taking a bite of his food.

"A person born with magic. Well, everyone is born with a little magic that they have to make strong when studying. More like a person that has magic so strong they don't have to study it." Gwaine nodded once more and Merlin continued.

"That night the warlock could hear someone talking to him. Communication with him in his mind. He followed the voice to find that it was a dragon. The dragon told Emrys what he and the prince will become. Emrys, not believing the dragon, told the dragon that the price is far from an amazing king. The dragon only laughed and told him that it was his job to make him ready. The sorceress that wanted to kill the prince took over the body of a performer that was going to entertain for a banquet. Emrys, being the ward of the physician, was allowed to go to the banquet. The sorceress started performing putting the room under a spell. All but Emrys were enchanted by her music. Emrys used his magic to undo the spell. The witch angry that she had lost took a knife and threw it at the prince. Emrys slowed down time and pulled the prince out of the way. The king rewarded the sorcerer, not knowing he was a sorcerer, by giving him a job. As the prince's manservant. Emrys and The Once and Future king then went on to have many adventures. That maybe one day, I'll tell you." Merlin looks down at his food and took a bite.

"That was fantastic!" Leon said putting his bowl on the log next to him.

"I never knew you were so good with words. " Gwaine said laughing.

"How am I supposed to follow that?!" Arthur moaned.

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